Podcast die iedereen zou moeten luisteren: @bert_hubert legt in klare taal uit hoe Trump onze digitale diensten uit kan zetten, hoe we daar verandering in kunnen brengen met Europese clouddiensten en waarom dat moeilijk is. https://www.bnr.nl/podcast/de-technoloog/10568644/we-bouwen-ons-eigen-cloudbedrijf-in-tijden-van-trump #Podcast #DigitaleSoevereiniteit #NoCloud #Europa #DeTechnoloog
@ph00lt0 @nicorikken @bert_hubert I watched the whole video. The shipping of the Librem5 was indeed delayed often. But, all people I personally know who ordered one, got one in the end, including myself. Yes, after a long wait.
Regarding concern about #Signal: I use indeed Signal desktop on my Librem 5. Unfortunately Signal does not support #Linux as primary device, but you cannot blame #Purism for that.
@janvlug @nicorikken @bert_hubert well yeah but you now run a overpriced phone with cheap mostly Chinese hardware with little to no security. The phone does not even support secure communication. It is unreasonable to expect signal to focus on such a small user group. Especially when you can just install GrapheneOS on a pixel device and have a decently secured phone without Google.
@ph00lt0 @nicorikken @bert_hubert
The #Librem5 is a full #Linux phone. #Phosh looks very similar to my #GNOME desktop. I can ssh into the Librem 5 without any issues. It is designed to give me full control and #freedom. Like any #FOSS product. I appreciate that daily, and I can accept some inconvenience to have software freedom. That is of course a personal choice. Keep in mind that #Purism only earns money when selling the phone. Not by spying on you and profiling you.
@ph00lt0 @nicorikken @bert_hubert
The #Librem5 is as secure as any #Linux system. Actually more secure because of the hardware kill switches for wifi, mobile data, camera, microphone and sensors.
I can use nearly all Linux apps. There are many secure options for communication. Like Signal and Matrix clients.
Many Linux apps are adaptive these days. See for example:
@janvlug @nicorikken @bert_hubert i am sorry but this not quite correct. A phone comes with quite some different attack factors because of the ability to call and use mobile data, GPS, etc.
Pixel phone are much different in on hardware aspect aswell and have proven to be better protected than other phones against all kinds of spyware and data extraction tools.
I believe the librem5 is a fun device to hack around with but I would refrain from using that for private or senstive commuication.