There are a lot of tech folks who would rather be solving pressing real world problems instead of helping techbros and VCs get richer. I'd love to be a part of facilitating that exodus. #thinkingoutloud #latestagecapitalism
Mazacoin. Join us on Telegram
@kavbojka If you live there a good move might be to get out of California (or the USA in general). Tech companies in the rest of the world tend to not exist in their own bubbles as much. More scope to solve real world problems.
Nope. I left California over 15 years ago. Long before I got into tech.
@kavbojka yes please. more of this.
@kavbojka thanks for pointing to the #thinkingoutloud hashtag.
@kavbojka there are SO many of us. as i'm sure you can tell from your boost count.
last time i expressed a thought like this it blew up like crazy in a way that it never did on birdsite
if i could ensure that i don't put my family's health and future at risk i'd happily take a huge pay cut to work on real problems
if only there were a way to harness the disgruntled energy of us all
Funny, when I posted something like this on birdsite I actually *did* get a lot of support. Probably because a lot of black people in tech followed me and it sucks being black in tech (...and in America in general)