a quick demo of how I edit my website with #Obsidian 1.8
write in Obsidian → auto-build in jekyll → preview local site in web viewer tab → push to github → auto-deploy to live site
I've been making websites for twenty five years, and this is by far the nicest it's ever been
(Jekyll oder hugo macht jetzt keinen großen Unterschied)
@stefan_hessbrueggen dazu gibt es ne Hintergrundgeschichte :)
Ansonsten: "Static blog generators are a dime a dozen."
@kepano Do you have a dedicated vault for just the website content or is it mixed with your other notes?
@mikker yes I have a dedicated vault for my site, but mainly because I use Jekyll which is very particular about file structure... other SSGs aren't
@kepano do you know how to do something similar in Hugo?
@moumn sure, you can do the exact same thing with Hugo
@kepano you must set the vault to the local repo, no?
@anthro_packets @kepano I edit my Hugo site with obsidian, this is my setup:
- Hugo site hosted on GitHub
- A GitHub action to rebuild the site when pushed
- My website vault is the ‘content’ folder of my local repo clone
I preview in a separate browser because I don’t use 1.8 yet. So after everything looks good I commit changes and push, and the GitHub action makes sure it appears online shortly after.
@kepano I think you’ve posted about the preview command you’ve got there before, but how does that work? I mean how you opened the currently edited page in a new browser tab inside Obsidian.
@jloh permalink opener is a plugin I made for this purpose
@kepano thanks! I knew it was something neat
@kepano Me too, but I kind of pivoted to publishing via micro blog (via Obsidian plugin too) mostly because I like the format.
Obsidian is such a wonderful tool.
@kepano I was expecting Obsidian Publish!!
@kepano works well for me too, with a personal website in Hugo and a documentation site using mdBook (used to be gitbook/honkit).
@kepano I had no idea we could do that thank you