Any ideas for a fun tiny #activitypub website i could implement to demonstrate the rails activitypub library I’m working on? :) #needhelp
@mbajur Oh hey, I saw your earlier post about that. I'm not a Ruby guy, but I should follow you anyway.
For new AP implementations, I always say to start with a fun little bot, not a site where people register and post things.
My testbed for my own AP implementation is @DailyRucks, if that's in any way inspiring. Write-up here:
This could have useful datasets for fun word mashup or trivia bots:
Or how about a bot that shows cool free fonts?
@julian ahh that's an interesting idea. Thank you! :)
@mbajur I remembered another idea! This is one I've had on my "hopeful" to do list but I probably won't get around to it ever:
A tool that you can feed a Twitter account archive zip file (or one from or Pebble or wherever) which turns it into a self-hosted ActivityPub server with one actor containing all the backdated posts.
Would let you (and others) boost/share your old posts. Could optionally ignore replies and other interactions.
Could reuse logic from
@julian good one, thanks! I would rather not want to offer anything too involving though as that would be just a demo so ideally something silly or of ephemeral nature :)
@mbajur Yeah, I can imagine! If it's something that people are going to depend on, that takes a different level of polish.