Should I abide by the results of this poll? I will abide by the results of this poll.
Vox populi, vox dei. As promised, I will not abide by the results of this poll.
@rchrddvdrz @texburgher the people have.
@rchrddvdrz @texburgher @T045T
Probably a lot of footballers in there, giving 110%.
To many options. You should redo the poll.
@texburgher I hope it will be a draw.
@texburgher This is like the modern day version of that two brothers riddle.
@texburgher should I abide by boosting this or should I not boost. I will abide by the results
@texburgher I'd love to vote Yes and vote No. But #JoanMastodon won't let me.
I can’t WAIT to see the results of this poll and to find what you do if the answer is NO. haha..
@technofriend It's not looking good at this point
@texburgher How did it end up in your paradoxical survey?
Are you now going to change it so only blue mastodonians can vote? LOL Thanks for giving me some laughs.
@technofriend it hasn’t ended yet, but my options aren’t looking good are they
@texburgher what’s the question though
Just make up some numbers
@texburgher I voted No out of sheer confusion.
@texburgher Can this abiding be observed?
@texburgher I can't abide it
@texburgher you made the poll so it's up to you.
@texburgher a Georg Cantor poll
poll is dead
@texburgher Hoping for an EXACT 50%/50% split is too much, isn't it?
@texburgher 因为自指导致罗素悖论了!
@texburgher Tautology or paradox?
@texburgher there musk be shome mishtake
@texburgher Sorry, no yesn't option. Will redo pool.
@texburgher Checkmate!
@texburgher The results are in and I hope you will abide by them.
@texburgher people had a chance to avoid the paradox yet they INSISTED on voting NO.
@reptiliosis vox populi, vox dei, amirite
@texburgher you better not abide by the results of this poll, we're all watching
@texburgher vox populi, vox dei
@texburgher I think the only way out of this paradox is to announce that you are a liar.
@texburgher From now on, only accept input from verified fuzzy chess pawns.
@texburgher this is similar to how Captain Kirk got a robot’s head to explode
@texburgher The people have spoken Geoff. Make your move ./lh