Donate, Buy Prints and Shop buttons are coming soon!
We won't take any commissions, these buttons will open a browser with the donation or store url that you set.
Don't worry, we're not adding a Shopping tab or otherwise entering the e-commerce space, all transactions will happen in the browser.
We our community, and hope this helps make your account and content more sustainable financially! #pixelfed #creatorButtons
@pixelfed probably one of the easiest ways (along with content moderation clarity) that will help jumpstart a real exodus from IG to Pixelfed.
@Mikal @pixelfed I mean I may have some very straightened views on this, given that I think I'm somewhat unusual in I've been on Instagram for years, I was a former Gallery director on deviantART, and I've suffered the idiocy of general social media content moderation stupidity, and have a slight hope that pixel fed might be a game changer if we can make onboarding for it relatively smooth.
Yeah, I'm letting this all evolve a little more before taking the time to set up an account and do anything with it. Once I do that, if I like it, I'll post my photos there and try to drag people over from Instagram. Like Mastodon with Twitter, I think it will take a minor catastrophe or some new heinous fuckery by Zuck to push people off the IG plateau and break through calcified network effects holding them there. At that point it will be nice to have somewhere for them to go.