Take on me
Take me home
I'll be gone
In a day or twoooooooo
Yea, A-ha's Take On Me was my mental wake up song today. https://song.link/us/i/392429593

Take on me
Take me home
I'll be gone
In a day or twoooooooo
Yea, A-ha's Take On Me was my mental wake up song today. https://song.link/us/i/392429593
DATE: March 20, 2025 at 04:46PM
Direct article link at end of text block below.
Authorities Warn of #Security Terror Threats to #Hospitals https://t.co/GVq7jtcPsb @HealthISAC #AmericanHospitalAssociation #AHA
Here are any URLs found in the article text:
Articles can be found by scrolling down the page at https://www.healthcareinfosecurity.com/ under the title "Latest"
Private, vetted email list for mental health professionals: https://www.clinicians-exchange.org
Healthcare security & privacy posts not related to IT or infosec are at @HIPAABot . Even so, they mix in some infosec with the legal & regulatory information.
#security #healthcare #doctors #itsecurity #hacking #doxxing #psychotherapy #securitynews #psychotherapist #mentalhealth #psychiatry #hospital #socialwork #datasecurity #webbeacons #cookies #HIPAA #privacy #datanalytics #healthcaresecurity #healthitsecurity #patientrecords @infosec #telehealth #netneutrality #socialengineering
Letra de la canción “There's Never a Forever Thing” de a-ha
#AHa #ThereSNeverAForeverThing
Paroles de la chanson “Hunting High and Low” de a-ha
#AHa #HuntingHighAndLow
Veja a letra da música “Hunting High and Low” de a-ha
#AHa #HuntingHighAndLow
Confira a letra da música “Stay on These Roads” de a-ha
#AHa #StayOnTheseRoads
Update. "Joint Statement on Federal Censorship of American History"
"The American Historical Association (#AHA) and the Organization of American Historians (#OAH) condemn recent efforts to censor historical content on federal government websites, at many public museums, and across a wide swath of government resources…Policies that purge words, phrases, and content that some officials deem suspect on ideological grounds constitute a systemic campaign to distort, manipulate, and erase significant parts of the historical record. Recent directives insidiously prioritize narrow ideology over historical research, historical accuracy, and the actual experiences of Americans.
As the institution chartered by the US Congress for “the promotion of historical studies” and “in the interest of American history, and of history in America,” the American Historical Association must speak out when the nation’s leadership wreaks havoc with that history. So, too, must the OAH, as the organization committed to promoting “excellence in the scholarship, teaching, and presentation of American history.” It is bad enough to forget the past; it is even worse to intentionally deny the public access to what we remember, have documented, and have expended public resources to disseminate."
"To date, 11 organizations have signed on to the statement."
Joint Statement on Federal Censorship of American History, by AHA & OAH
co-signed to this date by 11 organizations
Check out the lyrics for the song “Crying in the Rain” by a-ha
#AHa #CryingInTheRain
@aPunt_bot Fer un títol per a escriure frases a una màquina... #aha
Veja a letra da música “Crying in the Rain” de a-ha
#AHa #CryingInTheRain
Take On Me - Freddie Mercury AI - #SoundCloud #Music #FreddieMercury #AI #Aha
"Manhattan skyline" - A-ha
The Hanson of their era.
Think they were dim teenybopper fluff? Think again! Gentle verses, lulling us into a false sense of security as Morten sings "wave goodbye... wave goodbye", then we're jerked awake again by a rock-tastic and loud chorus.
It's about leaving everything you love behind, in hope of a better life.
The song's a cut-and-shut job: Mags wrote the soft verses, Pål wigs out on the chorus.
Unfortunately not this one. #aha #mortenbarfshit #totp
Text des Liedes “Stay on These Roads” von a-ha
#AHa #StayOnTheseRoads
Can someone make a David bust but with the face of Morten Harket? Because I can't be arsed with 3D printing.
Confira a letra da música “Hunting High and Low” de a-ha
#AHa #HuntingHighAndLow
Paroles de la chanson “Take On Me” de a-ha
#AHa #TakeOnMe