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I was thinking about backups again, while in the shower earlier. I think what clued me in to the joy of super reliable backups that can be restored on bare metal was Mac OS X having Time Machine early in.

I remember completely hosing the system via a terrible fuck up at some point. I just went "oh whoops", held the magic key sequence while booting to go in recovery, and did a bare metal recovery with a single click.

Within 15 minutes my laptop was exactly how it was before the terrible events, nothing was lost. I had successfully turned back time.

I've been more or less chasing that feeling of security in all my backup solutions since. Tarballs are nice, but you know, "I just restored a veeam image from live media" is nicer.

Depois de muito pesquisar, ler e pensar durante a última semana, cheguei à conclusão de qual esquema de #backup das fotos do celular #iphone #ios vou utilizar, para fugir das #bigtech. A decisão não é um primor da tecnologia, mas foi a coisa mais prática que encontrei pro meu uso.

Meus pré-requisitos eram:
1. Evitar ao máximo colocar meu dados no "computador dos outros";
2. Se tivesse que usar o computador dos outros, usar alternativas de empresas nacionais e em território nacional (ex. #magalucloud);
3. Alguma proteção contra o bisbilhoteiro comum (criptografia de disco talvez, ou ponta a ponta);
4. Ser prático o suficiente para o meu uso (ou o que eu considero prático).

Por incrível que pareça, a solução pela qual decidi foi... um pendrive realmente grande (128GB), com um adaptador USB-C.

Eu formatei ele no Mac com as configurações: Mapa de partições GUID, APFS Criptografado (e isso deixa eu definir uma senha de acesso ao conteúdo do pendrive).

Plugo o pendrive no iPhone (com o adaptador USB-C), abro ele no app Arquivos, digito a senha de criptografia do APFS, vou no app Fotos, e envio uma cópia das fotos pra dentro do pendrive. Repetir a operação todo fim de semana (vai tomar uns 5min).

Pra mim vai bastar, não tem taxas mensais atreladas, não vai pro computador dos outros, nem pela rede passa. E pra mim é prático o suficiente. #oldschool, mas apropriado.

Estou feliz com a decisão.

I've setup backup for my PeerTube instance and updated my blog to include instructions for doing it. Using a file system level backup for data and postgres, and a systemd service & timer to execute it.

Does anyone know if one can make something like an incremental #backup of #calibre?

I have a libtary that contains some pdfs with pictures so the library is some GB big.

I did a backup some time ago and added a new book today to my library. I hoped I could just do an incremental backup to my library.

Creating again a complete several GB big backup seems unreasonable and is not desired, because this will cascade to big incremental backups of my server.

Every Sunday I share an Open Source Tool from the Cloud Native Ecosystem. Today: Velero.

Velero gives you tools to back up and restore your Kubernetes cluster resources and persistent volumes. You can run Velero with a public cloud platform or on-premises:

Backup and migrate Kubernetes applications and their persistent volumes - vmware-tanzu/velero
GitHubGitHub - vmware-tanzu/velero: Backup and migrate Kubernetes applications and their persistent volumesBackup and migrate Kubernetes applications and their persistent volumes - vmware-tanzu/velero

#Hallo Ihr Lieben auf ,

Unsere #Instanz wächst und wächst. Kürzlich hatten wir unser zwei-jähriges Jubiläum. Wir haben aktuell 192 trötende #Rüssel hier auf unserer Instanz und das bedeutet, dass unsere Instanz mit eine der erfolgreichen Instanzen im #deutsch sprachigen Raum geworden ist.

Das bedeutet aber auch, dass der Instanz #Server einiges zu leisten hat. Er muss performant bleiben und er muss groß genug sein, um die ganzen #Tröts mit ihren #Medien wie #Bilder und #Videos zu speichern. Auch der #Backup-Server muss entsprechend dimensioniert sein. Das alles kostet viel #Geld im #Monat, das ich vollständig aus der eigenen #Tasche bezahle.

Wenn es Dir hier bei uns also gefällt und Du nicht möchtest, dass diese Instanz irgendwann in der Versenkung verschwindet, wie so viele andere kleine und große Instanzen auch, dann denke doch einmal drüber nach, ob Du mich dabei nicht ein kleines bisschen #unterstützen möchtest.

Spenden kannst du entweder per #Bitcoin, Paypal oder Banküberweisung. Alle Informationen dazu findest du unter #Spendenmöglichkeiten auf der "About" Seite dieser Instanz ganz unten:
Am meisten freue ich mich natürlich, wenn Du die Möglichkeit der regelmäßigen #Spende per #PayPal oder #Dauerauftrag nutzen würdest.

Vielen Dank und weiterhin ganz viel Spaß bei uns, wünscht Dir Eure #Admina

Mastodon, gehostet auf lsbt.meDeutscher LSBT Mastodon ServerDiese Mastodon-Instanz ist für alle* die LGBT+ oder Allies sind. Ein Safe Space für Dich! Betrieben von Christin Löhner, selbst trans Frau und Aktivistin für LSBT+ Rechte. #lsbt #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtiq

#todayilearned that the US census page went down with others. [1]

PSA: Now is a good time to pull some local copies of datasets and knowledge bases.

Spinning up a small homelab for stuff like #kiwix and backups is easy with #unraid and doable (with some IT-foo) with #truenas. #yunohost is an easy, but less flexible option if you don’t know shit about IT and just want it to work.


Time · Federal Webpages Go Dark as Trump Administration Removes Public DataBy Brian Bennett

Hey, all you #selfhosting #nerds out there! We need you and your #bandwidth. If you have some spare #compute and #network capacity please consider setting up an #ArchiveTeam #Warrior #virtualmachine or #Docker image. There's an official #project to #backup the #US #government's data. If you already have a warrior appliance running, consider setting the active project to #USGovernment

wiki.archiveteam.orgUS Government - Archiveteam

Whew, the first backup with restic is running.

I found the setup doable, but it did involve reading several sets of instructions rather carefully.

Next step: configure and automate the whole thing. After that, roll out to my other machines.