Advancing Musicality in Symbolic Music Generation with Large Language Model Training Paradigms
Today’s cutting-edge innovations in #CS are powered by the electronic engineering of the 2020s.
The programming languages and software techniques that now run the technology sector were sired by CS research from the 1990s.
Its prominance notwithstanding, though, CS is a very young field, having matured into an independent discipline only in the 1960s.
It was born relatively recently, in the 1930s, as a subfield of mathematics.
And when—rather, if—society transitions to quantum computing, a good portion of CS will be based on physics of the 1900s.
#TVPSport niedawno pisalo o "intensywnym okresie" #LegiaWarszawa, czyli TRZECH spotkaniach w ciagu 7 dni, o czym pisal @smatyszczak - (oczywiscie nalezy do tego doliczyc treningi, itp.)
Tymczasem, 4 ostatnie dni #CS-owej ekipy #fnatic - 12 spotkan BO3 (czyli minimum 2 godziny na kazde, maksimum... 3h+ bo ewentualne dogrywki) plus rowniez czas poswiecony na treningi
3FS: A high-performance distributed file system designed to address the challenges of AI training and inference workloads
Beehive sensors offer hope in saving honeybee colonies
"Cell as Point: One-Stage Framework for Efficient Cell Tracking" #CellDivision #Q-Bio.Qm #Eess.Iv #Cs.Cv #Cell
Over the past quarter century, the #CS programmes at the ordinary US colleges have been busy pumping out coders for the #IT industry. Only those kids who get into the top colleges receive solid theoretical foundation. There are obvious, short-term gains aplenty: the colleges get tuition fees; the industry gets their cheap drones; the kids get their immediate employment. But this strategy has hidden, long-term deleterious effects upon all involved.
In my view, the CS curricula ought to focus on "moulding future computer scientists" who know well both theory and practice, and leave the task of "stamping out generate-first, ask questions never coders" to those week-long coding camps.
I have a quick question, @Joshua. Are you guys teaching #CategoryTheory alongside Computability and Complexity to the undergrad #CS these days?
In my days, Categories were taught only as beginning grad subject. But kids these days are scary smart, so....
[パルワールド]フレンドと今日は何しようかな#11.2[PS5] #パルワールド ##PS5Live #CS #Palworld #PlayStation5 #PocketPair #PS4 #PS5 #SonyInteractiveEntertainment #パルワールド #ポケットペア #配信
"A linearly-implicit energy preserving scheme for geometrically nonlinear mechanics based on non-canonical Hamiltonian formulations" #Physics.Comp-Ph #Mechanics #Dynamics #Math.Na #Matrix #Cs.Na
Read about Johannes' time in India teaching computer science:
#Hiring #CS-Cart #developers gives you a perfect #online #store with customization, asynchronous integration, and great #user #experience.
Does anyone have an electronic copy of the CMU tech report of Michael Wayne Young Ph.D. thesis
"Exporting a User Interface to Memory Management from a Communication-Oriented Operating System"?
This is CMU technical report CMU-CS-89-202. The CMU tech report server has no entries for 1989...