I give thanks to Providence for granting me the opportunity to come and venerate the relics and recall the figure and teachings of St. John of the Cross, to whom I owe so much in my spiritual formation. I came to know him in my youth and was able to enter into an intimate dialogue with this master of the faith, with his language and thought, culminating in the development of my doctoral thesis on Faith in St. John of the Cross. Since then, I have found in him a friend and teacher, who has pointed to the light that shines in the darkness, guiding me always toward God, “with no other light or guide / than the one that burned in my heart. / This guided me / more surely than the light of noon” (The Dark Night, stanzas 3–4, trans. Kavanaugh and Rodriguez).
The Saint from Fontiveros is the great teacher of the paths leading to union with God. His writings remain relevant and, in a way, explain and complement the works of St. Teresa of Jesus. He shows the paths to knowledge through faith, for only such knowledge in faith disposes the mind to union with the living God.
How many times, with a conviction born from experience, he tells us that faith is the most fitting and appropriate means for union with God! It is enough to cite a well-known text from The Ascent of Mount Carmel, book II, chap. 9, sec. 1: “Faith alone … is the only proximate and proportionate means to union with God. … Just as God is infinite, faith proposes him to us as infinite. Just as there are three Persons in one God, it presents him to us in this way. … Only by means of faith, in divine light exceeding all understanding, does God manifest himself to the soul. The greater one’s faith the closer is one’s union with God” (The Ascent of Mount Carmel, book II, chap. 9, sec. 1, trans. Kavanaugh and Rodriguez).
With this insistence on the purity of faith, John of the Cross does not wish to deny that the knowledge of God is attained gradually from the knowledge of creatures, as taught in the Book of Wisdom and echoed by St. Paul in the Letter to the Romans (cf. Rom 1:18–21; cf. Spiritual Canticle, st. 4, sec. 1). The Mystical Doctor teaches that in faith, it is also necessary to detach oneself from creatures, both those perceived through the senses and those reached through understanding, in order to unite oneself cognitively with God Himself. This path that leads to union passes through the dark night of faith.
Saint John Paul II
Homily, 4 November 1982
Convent of the Discalced Carmelite Friars
Segovia, Spain
John of the Cross, St. 1991, The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross, Revised Edition, translated from the Spanish by Kavanaugh, K and Rodriguez, O with revisions and introductions by Kavanaugh, K, ICS Publications, Washington DC.
Translation from the Spanish text is the blogger’s own work product and may not be reproduced without permission.
Featured image: At five in the afternoon on October 31, 1982, Pope John Paul II arrived at Barajas Airport in Madrid, kissing the ground upon his arrival. When the crowd erupted in excitement, officials began placing carpets along his path, which he bypassed to continue his custom of kissing the ground. That same day, before departing Rome, he had canonized two French nuns and led the Angelus prayer in St. Peter’s Square, as he did every Sunday. This marked his 15th official trip, covering sixteen locations in nine days at an intense pace. Image credit: Marisa Flórez / prisamedia.com