BONUS: Extended Conversation with Mariana Budjeryn #Escalation
#israel #palestine #lebanon #syria : #war / #militaryattacks / #escalation
»In parallel with the resumption of operations in the Gaza Strip, which shattered the fragile truce signed with Hamas on January 19, Israel is pursuing a war of attrition on its northern borders against Hezbollah, an ally in Lebanon of the Palestinian Islamist movement, as well as against the new Syrian government, which it has described as a "threat to the State of Israel."«
...further #escalation in the #war. And this is exactly what #Musk did in Feb 2023, in order to "avoid escalation."
Now that Musk seems to be endorsing DeSantis by offering him a platform on Twitter, Ian has suddenly forgotten about #Trump and started endorsing Ronnie.
what is #FuckTheEU (because #EU did not wanted #confrontation with #Russia)
#VictoriaNuland doing currently????
isn't she massively #responsible for the possible #escalation of #war in #Ukraine? (next to #BorisJohnson not wanting to #deescalate
She seem to be hiding somehwere
to be honest can't find anything very useful except some #russia #propaganda
"Victoria Nuland and Ko was left without money for his favorite hobby — color revolutions. Her National Foundation (for the Promotion) of Democracy, being formally a non-governmental organization, was 95% funded from the budget through USAID" <- this a good #source don't know
#feminist #antifascist #demonstration #paris 2025-03-08 finding this VERY #entertaining at least some #women have #courage will it be enough to stop #escalation? #war? #monarchy? #dictatorship? #musk #trump #usa #europe #eu #fascism
BONUS: Extended Conversation with Fiona Hill #Escalation
Historic #escalation in the #WhiteHouse. The way #Trump and #Vance talked to #Zelensky is just disgusting. No matter how you feel about Zelensky and his rhetoric: He represents #Ukraine, a country that was attacked and defends itself against a genocidal invader heroically every day. In contrast, Trump and Vance have not said a word to #Putin. Unbelievable.
@jonnyDumb nice. I'm not surprised that his argument, which is contrary to the official usa gov position, is refuted by some other people who agree with the usa gov. That doesn't mean he's wrong. Also did you read that? He sticks to his premise and I happen to agree with him. #Peace instead of #escalation.
All mention of
must be gone!
(from #NSA pages ...)
So does all mention of #privilege #escalation ..
with all the #antidemocratic #madness the #trumpet is signing into law really hope he can at least make #Ukraine #war stop NOW it is absolutely enough #destruction no need for further #escalation last time the #Trump of UK #BorisJohnson sabotaged #peacedeal
A quotation from Steven Moffat
JEFF: You’re not ready for the Giggle Loop. […] Basically, it’s like a feedback loop. You’re somewhere quiet. There’s people. It’s a — it’s a solemn occasion. A wedding. No — it’s a minute’s silence for someone who’s died. […] Minute’s silence ticking away. Tick. Tick. Tick. The Giggle Loop begins. Suddenly, out of nowhere, this thought comes into your head: the worst thing I could possibly do during a minute’s silence is laugh. (Overturns an empty beer glass) And as soon as you think that, you almost do laugh, automatic reaction. But you don’t, you control yourself. You’re fine. Whoo — but then you think how terrible it would have been if you’d laughed out loud in the middle of a minute’s silence. And so you nearly do it again, only this time it’s a bigger laugh. (Stacks a beer glass on top of the first one) And then you think how awful this bigger laugh would have been. And so you nearly laugh again, only this time it’s a very big laugh. (Stacks another glass) It’s an enormous laugh! Let this bastard out, and you get whiplash! (Stacks another glass) Suddenly, you’re in the middle of this completely silent room (Stacks another glass) and your shoulders are going like you’re drilling the road! And what do you think of this situation? Oh, dear Christ, you think it’s funny!
Steven Moffat (b. 1961) Scottish television writer, producer
Coupling, 01×03 “Sex, Death and Nudity” (2000-05-26)
Sourcing, notes:
Allport’s Theory of Escalation
Gordon Allport was a US psychologist who brought to us a theory of escalation, in 1954. This is a framework that explains how prejudice and discrimination can grow and intensify over time. It shows how small acts of bias can snowball into serious harmful acts if not addressed. We see it every day for all under represented groups, including women #escalation
Come combatte la carne da cannone nordcoreana nella guerra di Putin
#australia #israel #palestine : #antisemitism / #islamophobia / #violence / #escalation
„A rash of antisemitic attacks in recent weeks has rattled the Jewish community in Australia, home to the largest proportion of Holocaust survivors outside Israel. There have been no reports of major casualties but the violence represents a dramatic escalation of tensions reverberating from the war in the Middle East, which has also spurred Islamophobic episodes in Australia.“
Il #rischiopolitico #globale è destinato ad #intensificarsi nel 2025.
Gli #analisti mettono in guardia dal #cambiamento delle #alleanze, dall'#escalation dei #conflitti e dal #crescente impatto del #protezionismo sul #commercioglobale e sulle #catenediapprovvigionamento