"The `dependentRequired` keyword conditionally requires that certain properties must be present if a given property is present in an object"
"The `dependentRequired` keyword conditionally requires that certain properties must be present if a given property is present in an object"
Happy to present you a new release of the BESSER platform, with two exciting improvements:
#Feature #metamodel extension: In #BUML you can define now feature models to define structured representations of the features (functionalities or characteristics) of a system, capturing their variability and dependencies.
#JSONSchema #generator: This generator consumes a B-UML structural model and produces the equivalent JSON schema that can be used to validate whether given #JSON objects conform to the schema.
many other improvements.
Release notes https://github.com/BESSER-PEARL/BESSER/releases/tag/v2.3.0
Lapidary-render 0.12.0 is now released.
To the best of my knowledge it's the only #codeGenerator that properly handles #jsonSchema anyOf and allOf.
Also has support for oneOf, but not per the specs.
Как сделать красивое резюме используя JSON
Я устал от постоянного редактирования дизайна резюме и решил действовать по-своему. В статье я рассказываю, как мне удалось создать инструмент, который позволяет хранить все сведения о моем опыте в одном месте и обновлять их без лишних хлопот. Если вам знакомо чувство, когда форматирование отнимает время у самой сути пути – читайте мой опыт разработки решения, которое избавляет от постоянных правок и помогает сосредоточиться на самом главном. Буду рад услышать ваши идеи в комментариях к статье
Магический метод работы с формами
Видеоаналитика в СИБУРе — это сложный и многогранный продукт, который внедряется на разных производствах. Несмотря на то, что это один продукт, его конфигурация может сильно отличаться: используются различные камеры, детекторы и параметры, а также интеграции с разнообразными сторонними системами. В таких условиях инженеру не всегда понятно, что именно надо дописать, а валидация происходит только после окончания редактирования файла и перезапуска сервиса. Логичное решение — предоставить инженерам удобный интерфейс, где они смогут заполнять форму и сразу видеть ошибки. Меня зовут Владимир Кирилкин, я техлид в Цифровом СИБУРе, в команде Индустрии 4.0. Мы разрабатываем продукт «Видеоаналитика на производстве», и о наших задачах уже писали на Хабре ( habr.com/ru/companies/sibur_official/articles/700634/ ). Мы подошли к задаче нестандартно: вместо заранее заданных форм на фронте реализовали их автоматическую генерацию с использованием JSON-схем и немного магии
. Наши сервисы построены на Python и React, но предложенный подход можно адаптировать и для других технологий — правда, с чуть меньшим количеством
• Convert seamlessly between data formats for easier sharing and collaboration #datavisualization
• Format, validate, and generate #TypeScript interfaces, #Golang structs, and #JSONSchema from your data
I still feel uncertain about how to describe file uploads in #openapi . Do you just use multipart/form-data with a „type: string, format: binary“ field or „contentMediaType“? How do you solve that?
If I really hated someone I would make them edit JSON Schema docs by hand.
Turning things into quick Cuelang types looks, for me, like running a data structure through jet to .edn, then using malli to provide a schema for the data, output that as a json schema and pull it back into cue.
I should point out that malli will automatically derive a schema for any data you feed it.
Just got a huge contribution from https://github.com/cptjazz!
He spent two weeks digging in JsonPointer.Net to cut parsing time and memory usage in half!
What's really cool is the fall-on effect this has for JsonSchema.Net, which makes heavy use of pointers!
Do you find yourself on the edge of your seat wondering what could be next for the #jsonschema specification? Well worry not: I wrote a blog post just for you!
A new spec is coming, and we're focusing on stability between releases with a new publication process.
How do you generate JSON schemas of your dataclasses' **inputs**? Any third-party library (something else than stdlib's dataclasses) allowing one to do that?
For example, input type is `int | str`, but final/output type is always `int` (coerced). I want to document the input type, not the output type.
VSCode not supporting json schema draft/2019-09 seems like such an oversight to me. It's been nearly 7 years!
I really, really need unevaluatedProperties
#jsoneverything update! All packages updated to support #dotnet 9!
Just published #mashumaro 3.15 with the #JSONSchema plugin system! I guess the next thing will be plugins for serialization and deserialization. Who knows, maybe this will be my ticket to strict validation and speeding up with #cython. On a side note, I believe I’m among the last developers to discontinue support for #python 3.8.
We will be presenting a short demo of WoT Manager, a joint effort with Ege Korkan. It leverages #jsonschema Schema and #AI to provide value on top of #w3c #WoT devices in a completely generic way. Hope to see you there!
@CleoMenezesJr Most of my #GTK app wishlist is either #GTK4 modernization or new features for existing apps...mainly #SelfHosted server sync. Would be nice to login to #Nextcloud via GOA & have a solid client for each NC app.
Outside of that:
- Database viewer / query runner
- REST API tester
- #ActivityPub tester
- Clients for various fediverse servers
- #JSONSchema / #Cuelang / #Nickel contract validator
- GIF search
- GitHub / #Forgejo Actions manager & runner
- #systemd unit manager
Just updated https://json-everything.net to make more space for the code editors. If you haven't been in a while, take a look!
I am learning about JSON Schema and did you know that it supports If-Then-Else?!
I didn't expect a feature like that, but it's exactly what I needed.
We've just shipped Preview 10 of Corvus.JsonSchema, our low-allocation, high performance code generator and validator for #json and #jsonschema on #csharp and #dotnet.
This preview is preparing for the .NET 9.0 wave, and takes a dependency on the RC1 preview System.Text.Json libraries. Don't worry, it still supports netstandard2.0 and net8.0!
If you run on .NET 8 we get a 13% perf improvement on our "typical usage" benchmark.
.NET 9 has a whopping 32% perf uplift.