Bloody love computers.
Imagine being forbidden from scheduling a shutdown on your very own computer.
What kind of decisions led to this horrid mistake to happen?!
Bloody love computers.
Imagine being forbidden from scheduling a shutdown on your very own computer.
What kind of decisions led to this horrid mistake to happen?!
Un po' una guida sulla scelta della propria distro preferita, un po' consigli di filtraggio su DistroWatch, un po' minimalismo. Non manca niente.
Converting my dev laptop to - Debian fork minus systemd.
Going well so far...
Deal a lot with systemd, so wrote a VSCode extension to observe the state of services.
It is at a very early devel; it shows all units and their state, you can start/stop/restart and see status. I would like to do daemon-reloads, auto reloading status/follow, filter for service, sort by state, mask, unmask, etc.
I use this over code serve-web, to help with remote management of services. WDYT?
Edit: new image to be more readable at a small size
I wonder why systemd-sysv-generator is deprecated for removal.
I mean, it's not particularly consequential—it's a separate program and can therefore be forked if anyone still cares about it—but what's the point of dropping it?
Is it burdensome on the #systemd maintainers somehow? Pretty hard to imagine, seeing as how the LSB specification is frozen and the systemd unit specification is guaranteed backward compatible.
A #systemd thing I just discovered: I was having problems with a service starting on boot before the disk that had the data for it was mounted, and so it'd get upset about missing files and I'd have to manually fix it. I found that systemd has a `RequiresMountsFor=` option, so I can say `RequiresMountsFor=/mnt/path` and the service won't start until that path has been mounted. Simple, handy, and took a surprising amount of searching to find that (for some reason depending on the unit for the mount itself just didn't work.)
在 command line 等 成功後再繼續執行
INN 看起來會在啟動的時候讀 /etc/resolv.conf 決定 DNS server,但我的機器是 PPPoE 取得網路資訊,在 user cron 用下面的方式跑會造成啟動的時候讀到空的 resolv.conf: @reboot ~/bin/ > /dev/null 2>&1 這會導致後續在接受時的 DNS 反解會失敗... 在不改 code 的前提下,第一個想到的方法是直接寫死 DNS servers (像是 +,但感覺不太好... 後來想到的解法是改用 systemd 的 Wants= 與 After=,在 ne…
With how extra systemd is in general, how does bootctl (from systemd-boot) not have an option for modifying kernel boot parameters?!
Just trying to find the right, persistent, way of making Plymouth show a boot splash. More digging…
La semaine commence de façon bien ironique quand on se prend la tête avec systemd au même moment où je tombe sur cet article:
Wow, "Quadlet" is here to save us from the horror of typing "podman generate systemd"
! Who knew the monumental task of updating a working system on a lazy Sunday could be so thrilling?
Can't wait to procrastinate more with these riveting 11-minute reads! #Quadlet #Podman #Systemd #Automation #Procrastination #Reading #HackerNews #ngated
Quadlet: Running Podman containers under systemd
Blogged: Home A-CI-stant
Using Home Assistant to control an on-demand CI runner
Можно прям средствами #systemd сделать чтобы он периодически запускал что-то.
То есть необязательно делать демона, который будет что-то там периодически делать, можно просто прогу, а "периодически" - это уже системд
@JdeBP @cstross @RefurioAnachro @Quixoticgeek
You've heard of #GUIX ? No #systemd there.
The whole system is lisp.
#linux #gnu
@cstross @RefurioAnachro @Quixoticgeek
I once joked about systemd-emacsd. There would be an emacsctl tool to go with it, of course. And no more LISP when simple declarative .INI files are superior and friendlier to modern developers whose laptops might not have a close round bracket key, you know. /usr/lib/systemd/emacsd.conf and /usr/lib/systemd/emacsd.conf.d/ are the future.
But then I once joked about putting an XML parser into process #1; and someone then did that.
Ah.. nothing beats spending 2 hour trying to create a simple #systemd service + timer + bash script to back up an sqlite database every week and it just not working because random permission issues just for selinux to be the culprit. Love how you need another tool to actually understand wtf #SELinux wants from you. #linux
with #systemd soft reboot somehow I don't do real reboots anymore...
The urge to start locking down, organising in proper slices and tweaking configurations of my SystemD stuff is so real.
Maybe this is a VERY me thing, but I love when it is tidy and "makes sense".
Idk, didn't feel like automata theory time lmao.