Protect Women's Rights #ProChoice #ERA
Protect Women's Rights #ProChoice #ERA
Dear Judith
another beautiful meme from a beautiful lady! Rainbows are rays of hope and promise.
Fly w/me to bluesky & dance among a prism of colors!
Judith, thx for including me in this pack of groovy accounts! #StrongerTogether #bluecrew #JudithRocks
#prochoice #Resist
Missouri AG issues order barring Planned Parenthood clinics from providing medication abortions
"AG Bailey's attempt to gin up a fake story and score political points is a clear attempt to threaten and intimidate the state's only abortion providers, but Planned Parenthood will not be deterred," leaders stated Wednesday in a press release before the desist order was issued.
@MadeyeTheCarnaptious His abolition of the NHS oversight body today, and putting it in the direct control of a government minister is truly vile. Totally lock-step with the worst decisions being implemented in the USA right now. The views [and sponsors] of an elected minister will have a direct bearing on what services are available to the public. #ProChoice #TERF #Homophobia #Vaccination
People who need access to abortion should not have to face shame or overwhelming hurdles. If you need an abortion, check out
Note: I interpreted this quote as referring to the cismen who seem to think that they can police people with uteruses. This isn't to marginalize transmen or genderfluid folx who become pregnant.
Today, on Abortion Provider Appreciation Day, we honor Dr. David Gunn, murdered in 1993 by a white supremacist anti-abortion extremist. His courage lives on in every provider who shows up with compassion, resilience, & unwavering commitment—despite relentless opposition.
-Credit: Abortion Care Network
#prochoice #abortionproviderappreciationday #drgunn #abortioncareishealthcare #abortionondemand #KeepOurClinics
#reproductiverights #wewontgoback
The offices of the Polish parliament are currently reflecting in the abortion centre’s windows
2/3 ALERT: Step 1 To A National Abortion Ban
Biden's DOJ was suing ID to ensure they'd still provide medically necessary abortions in emergency situations but Trump's DOJ will no longer pursue the case:
More signatures for safe abortion is needed! Go sign today!
Did you know that its illegal for a woman to procure an abortion in England?
#myvoicemychoice #prochoice #feminism
Censorsorship on social platforms is real!
#mychoicemyvoice #feminism #womensrights #prochoice #trumpregime #faschism
AnnaKappa (
> A Modena continua la battaglia contro le “veglie di preghiera” davanti al policlinico degli antiabortisti. #prochoice
#QuoteOfTheDay! From 2018!
"But for [#SusanCollins], a #prochoice #Republican, the decision to put a man accused of sexual assault on the Supreme Court runs a political — and personal — risk. For her, it comes down to believing that #Kavanaugh will uphold #RoeVsWade." SUCKER!!!
#SCOTUS #TrumpAppointments #UselessSusanCollins #WomensRights #reproductiverights #SCOTUSRapists #Enablers
Sepsis and Maternal Mortality Rates Surged in Texas After Abortion Ban - Jezebel
#LegalizeAbortion #ReproductiveFreedom #ProChoice #OpposeTrumpsAmerika #GOPFourthReich #NoNazis #StopFascism #SaveDemocracy
Sepsis and Maternal Mortality ...
Sepsis and Maternal Mortality Rates Surged in Texas After Abortion Ban - Jezebel
Creepy Missouri GOPer Wants To Set Up Registry Of Those 'At Risk' Of Seeking Abortion
#LegalizeAbortion #ReproductiveFreedom #ProChoice #OpposeTrumpsAmerika #GOPFourthReich #NoNazis #StopFascism #SaveDemocracy
Creepy Missouri GOPer Wants To...