Working on a story I will publish for free within the next days. It belongs to the Pick Your Desires series but is not integral to the story but is has some nice #BDSM scenes in it.
Working on a story I will publish for free within the next days. It belongs to the Pick Your Desires series but is not integral to the story but is has some nice #BDSM scenes in it.
2 hours and the Kickstarter ends and you can’t get this color cover ever again.
2 hours and the Kickstarter ends and you can’t get this color cover ever again.
Okay, so for my first bookbinding project, i picked Ālea Iacta Est by risokura, with an intention to make it a gift for my friend, that recommended me this fanfic ^^
You can find the fic here:
Please be warned that this fic contains nsfw content
(part 2 of my bookbinding project)
Wouldn’t be an issue on WordPerfect, with the right settings. #SelfPublishing
Booklegger’s Guide To: The Passionate Perils Of Publishing (Celeste West, 1978)
Writing #erotica makes one rich, already sold 2 ebooks!
Follow Simon on his journey into #submission and his exploration of trust and vulnerability in my #novella Awakening. Get it now!
Teaser in der TL: Irgendwas mit #Selfpublishing via #Amazon (ohne Hinweis auf weitere Plattformen)
Mein Kopf: Ja, ja, ja, ich schreib ja schon am Buch, wie man auf dem deutschsprachigen Buchmarkt selbst publizieren kann, ohne von einzelnen Unternehmen abhängig zu werden. Wird aber voraussichtlich frühestens im Herbst rauskommen.
@heiseonline Entschuldigung, aber ist es eine gute Idee, mehr Menschen in den Amazon-walled-Garden zu schicken, wo sie direkt in die Abhängigkeit kommen? Mag ja sein, dass es da ein hübsches Tool gibt, aber das alleoine ist kein Grund, sich von einem US-Unternehmen abhängig zu machen. Sagt den Menschen doch wenigstens, wie sie plattformübergreifend frei publizieren. #publishingwide #Selfpublishing #Amazon #ChokepointCapitalism #Enshittification
Wir begrüßen @stabenwelt mit dem neuen Account back in the Selfpublishing Hood!
Each evening I’m taking little steps to get ready for book launch. I now have the last few finishing touches for the PDF. On to formatting for ePub.
Getting closer.
Let Jumble Publishing and Editing ( deal with your editing and self-publishing so you can get on with your next project.
Image: Glyn Warren Philpot (1884-1937) #jumblepublishing #publishing #selfpublishing #editing #glynwarrenphilpot
Indie Publishing Woes: Mistakes I Won’t Make The Second Time Around
I'm learning from the past so you don't have to Continue reading on The Writing Cooperative »
#theshortofit #selfpublishing #indiepublishing #creativewriting #selfpublishingtips
20 hours left to get the color cover.
Why Most Books Fail Before Making Any Sales
Hint: It's not because it's good or bad. Continue reading on The Writing Cooperative »
#writing #writingprocess #selfpublishing #fictionwriting #bookmarketing
Book crafting has been living in head non stop ever since i've read my first fanfiction novel. I just had to have certain works on my bookshelf and so i did This project began with scoring a second-hand inkjet printer for just 8€. The Epson stylus SX235W is old but it still works just fine. I have working ink cartridges for it too, so it is just a matter of refilling them with ink and resetting the chips, and i saw many offers on local marketplace where people sell old ink cartridges for pennies so the whole operation should be inexpensive at worse
(part 1 of my bookbinding project)
epubli-Shop sind nicht nur die mit dem epub2 sondern auch die, die generell in der Vergangenheit stecken.
Bei der Anlage des Autorenprofils ist zwingend eine Anrede zu wählen. Es gehtdabei vor allem um Metadaten, die insbesondere keine Anrede enthalte.
Umso erschreckender, dass sich queer Autorinnen als Testimonial für die hergeben.