I hope some one is keeping a legal record of all the crimes of Trump, Musk and their cabinet, so we can have Nuremberg style hearings once this is all over
I hope some one is keeping a legal record of all the crimes of Trump, Musk and their cabinet, so we can have Nuremberg style hearings once this is all over
„ Join the protest: We stand in line with powerful protests against Tesla worldwide: actions against the opening and expansion of the plant near Berlin, widely supported labor struggles in Sweden and protests in many other places. Right now people are demonstrating in front of hundreds of Tesla stores in the USA. Now Tesla will feel our anger also in Europe!“
Singing “The richest man in the world says so.” - David Rovics
See you Tesla! 4180 El Camino Real, Palo Alto 1:30-3:30pm
#teslatakedown #takedowntesla @teslatakedown.com
RE: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:xat4vjhzhbbjo5bxkecdd44y/post/3lkjukkidsc2n
Oplade på kun 5 minutter
Tilgængæld kan Musk () aflade mig på mindre end 5 sekunder
#London: Tesla Park Royal, 152 Duke's Road, 11am #Leeds: 7 Whitehouse Street, Hunslet, 11am #Reading: 160 Basingstoke Road, 11am #Reyjkavik: 24 Vatnagarðar, 2pm. #BoycottTesla #TeslaTakedown #TakedownTesla 2/2
@teslatakedown.com fyi the link (on your website) to funds holding TSLA is incomplete
It doesn't include any ETFs. Holdings Channel says the page only lists "funds that have to file 13F forms with the SEC,
so an ETF wouldn't qualify"
We might want to find a better link that includes ETFs too
In den #usa findet ein #staatsstreich statt. Nichts anderes.
#trump #unplugtrump #TakeDownTesla #musk #Project2025 #deutschland #europe #europa
Led By Donkeys has done it again.
"My name is Paul. We've been Tesla owners for eight years. We're selling our Tesla".
Everyone hates Elon are now offering their poster PDFs as free downloads #takedowntesla https://bio.link/everyonehateselon
@grrlscientist legacy media learned during the George Floyd protests that the more they covered the protests, the more people for involved and that's bad for their business. More recently they learned that they can talk as much trash in Luigi as they want but amplifying the actions of anyone fighting back against the oligarchy increased class solidarity. Keep protesting. After we #TakeDownTesla we move on to these media companies. We protest all oppressors
#usa #fucktrump #TakeDownTesla #deutschland
Wer bisher die illusion hatte, dass sich #Trump und seine Schergen an Gerichtsurteile halten - hier ist der Gegenbeweis:
Take down Elon all you like - the military industrial complex will keep this empire going and they're laughing at you #TakeDownTesla #TeslaTakeDown
Tesla will laut Bericht Lohn krankgemeldeter Mitarbeiter einbehalten.
Außerdem drängte der US-Konzern seine Angestellten demnach dazu, Diagnosen offenzulegen und behandelnde Ärzte von der Schweigepflicht zu entbinden.
“There are currently 91 Tesla Takedown protests planned across the world this coming weekend, and there will be more the weekend after that. “
It might be a small consolation, but Elon Musk is getting poorer by the day.
Also diese Ähnlichkeit ist wirklich verblüffend
#trump #musk #fucktrump #TakeDownTesla #usa #doge
It's a bit surprising to me with #OPDreadNought and #TakeDownTesla that /r/TeslaMotors still seems to be happy and open. Kind of surprised it hasn't been brigaded to oblivion.