Tesla activates sentry mode in hope to avoid vandalism.
When I saw the owl representing the sentry, it reminded me immediately of #battlestar Galactica cylons... #bsg
This would explain a lot...
Tesla activates sentry mode in hope to avoid vandalism.
When I saw the owl representing the sentry, it reminded me immediately of #battlestar Galactica cylons... #bsg
This would explain a lot...
Another show that I rewatch every year.
Such an amazing show!
Caprica and Blood & Chrome, I didn't like as much as Battlestar, but I enjoyed them all.
They kinda wrote themselves into a corner with the ending of 1978 Battlestar finding audio of the Apollo 11 landing.
I would have liked to see a series take a current day Earth and uplift them to fight the Cylons.
I remember when this came out and 10 year old me liked it. As I got older and rewatched it...I don't hate it but don't like it either, lol. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Absoluetly love this series and at least once a year I do a rewatch.
Usually I don't care for remakes/reboots and was hesitant to see this series. I saw a random episode when it was into it's 3rd season and loved it instantly.
"So say we all!"
I love Battlestar Galactica, I remember seeing it when it first premiered and loved it instantly.
I refused to see the remake until it was already in its third season. Of course, I did end up liking the rebooted series and caught up on the episodes I missed.
The 70s Battlestar Galactica will always have a special place in my heart!
@BarbChamberlain Now I'm going to have to find time to watch this. Gave up during season 2 when it first came out #Battlestar #BattlestarGalactica #SF #SciFi #TV #war #ClimateAction #Earth #Cylons
Finally watching "Battlestar Galactica" long after the remake wrapped up. In S4 and I say, "Watch when they find out that the Earthlings burned up their planet and killed themselves."
I love Battlestar Galactica (the RDM version) so much. @Cronym and I just watched it with @mary for her first time.
Yes, including and especially the ending. #BSG #Battlestar #BattlestarGalactica