Sometimes I realize I've been using Debian instead of Windows for years, and it makes me really happy.
It's not just because I love Debian, but also because I haven't had to deal with Windows 10 for so long.
I hate Windows because you can't change much of the system-level stuff, and if you remove "explorer.exe", the system basically stops working.
On the other hand, with Debian and most other Linux distributions, I can choose the environment I want to work in myself.
I love options, I love freedom.
Film Tech Firm Gathr, Known For Its “Direct To Audience” Services, Hires Three Senior Execs In Expansion
#Executives #News #Distribution #Gathr #Independentfilm #Specialty
@makx hi #linuxmint gibt es nicht für #arm #cpu da musst du nach einer anderen #linux #distribution ausschau halten.
Du changement (partiel) au niveau de la diffusion et de la distribution !
le moment est venu de vous l’annoncer : Courgette Editions a signé avec Primento, une société belge, pour la diffusion et la distribution de nos œuvres numériques !
J’étais à la recherche d’un partenaire qui accepterait de ne pas travailler avec Amaz*n concernant notre catalogue !
Quantum #communicationcomplexity of #distribution testing #by Aleksandrs Belovs, Arturo Castellanos, Francois Le Gall, Guillaume Malod, and Alexander A. Sherstov
10.26421/QIC21.15-16-1 (#arXiv:2006.14870)
Friggin' #pewdiepie using #linux in 2025 for his new #gaming machine is a turning point to be sure.
Gentle people. It is time to stab at the heart of the beast. Warm up your USB keys, flash it with whatever friendly Linux #distribution you've got, put on your best sales schpiel and help your friends transition to a free system.
We are collectively lowering #Microsoft into it's grave this year.
One thing I have from immutable (atomic) distros, and is how cumbersome is installing apps that require root permissions.
Supposedly you have to use Distrobox. Even that never worked for me. I always have to resort to `rpm-ostree` and then uninstall it so BootC can update the system. Every single time.
The latest update for #EU and #UK #Distribution is live on our website! If you are waiting for orders PLEASE READ and take the actions requested in the article!
A Methodology For The Multitemporal Analysis Of Land Cover Changes And Urban Expansion Using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Imagery - A Case Study Of The Aburrá Valley In Colombia
-- <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #SyntheticApertureRadar #SAR #remotesensing #multitemporalanalysis #landcover #landcoverchange #clustering #kurtosis #fuzzylogic #kernelbasedmethod #machinelearning #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #geostatistics #model #modeling #AburráValley #Columbia #urban #urbanexpansion #population #growth #topography #monitoring #satellite #sentinel #valley #landuse #distribution #infrastructure #building #roads #naturalresources #environmental #conservation #monitoring #multitemporal
#DietPi9.11 unterstützt #Pi_hole6 -
DietPi ist eine leichtgewichtige, auf #Debian basierende #Linux-#Distribution für Single-Board-Computer ( #SBC ) und Serversysteme, die auch die Option der Installation einer Desktopumgebung mitbringt. Sie bietet für die jeweilige Hardware vorkonfigurierte Software aus verschiedenen Bereichen und unterstützt eine große Zahl an Geräten. DietPi ist in fast allen Belangen ressourcenschonender als Raspberry Pi OS und wird monatlich ...
(#qrcode / #datamatrix) #scanner unter #linux #hilfe:
scheinbar egal welcher hersteller (#keyence, #zebra, #noname) an egal welcher #distribution (#mint, #manjaro, #nixos, thin clients, #android) können unsere scanner keine umlaute und sonderzeichen wie | pipes…
an windows stecken wir ein und alles tut out of the box, auch ohne treiber und config.
was ist das geheimnis korrekter erkennung und tastaturlayoutzuordnung bei #barcodescannen unter linux?