proudly doesn't federate with:
or their servers.
#PavelDuRove's offensichtlicher Kommentar zu #Zuckerberg's #Ankündigung.
PavelDuRove's obvious #Comment on Zuckerberg's
Send THIS to a #POC Trump voter you know.
I told someone else that I toot stuff from the centrist and centre-right normies on telly, because :
1 They have direct access to other ultra-normies in the public realm who are speaking out against Trump,
2- It's a way for Americans to say to a Trumper who you know, 'See LOOK! LOOK! Pay attention. It's not only DemocracyNow or Turn Left, it's also ultra-normie news, so DON"T VOTE for this bastard'.
#TrumpNaziRally #Election2024 #racism #PuertoRico #TonyHinchcliffePENDEJO
#DemocracyAtRisk #fascismo #NoPasaran #NoTrumpNoKKKNoFascistUSA
So, ist gemeldet. Bin gespannt, wie es weitergeht. #deezer #hatespeechisnotfreespeech
Ich würde mir ja eine automatische Meldung wünschen. Einfach eine Webseite, wo man nur noch den Link einfügt...
Aber hey, so schwierig war es nun auch nicht.
Good video. Stochastic terrorism is another term for what Trump & Vance are doing.
NBC did a good news segment on the fallout from the “eating dogs” meme:
Props, as always, to Yamiche Alcindor for good reporting.
@Annekin I just came here to post this article too. The best analysis I have seen yet of the #UKRiots of the last couple of weeks #HateSpeechIsNotFreeSpeech #AntiSocialMedia
#AntiImmigrantHateSpeech, #Xenophobic LIES, and #racism. You have t see this for yourselves! Disgusting!
#DonCheetoMussolini Vows #MassDeportations at #RNC, #Milkwaukee Immigrant Rights Advocate #ChristineNeumannOrtiz Responds
#xenophobia #farright #extrêmedroite #HATESpeechIsNOTFreeSpeech
#Election2024 #USAShitShow #NormailsationOfHate #hatecrimes #fascism
#StewPeters Can't Stop Losing
#KnowYourSchmuck #FCKNZS #FarRight #ExtrêmeDroite #GegenNazis
Why isn't he under investigation?
Oh my fuck! That's horrid !
WHAT THE FUCK are people doing?! #WTF?!!
Disgusting Israeli video trend mocks Palestinians’ suffering | Al Jazeera Newsfeed
Really dropped it!
Really in need of therapist!
Well, none of those monsters will apologise, so I WILL apologise !!
I'm sorry that any1 can be that callous. We're the last people on the planet who should be acting like this!
#Republicans Vow to Censor & Punish Proponents of #PalestinianHumanRights
#HateSpeechIsNOTFreeSpeech #GOPSucks #FascistsOUT
Attention foreign #students in the U.S.: #GOP candidates, etc yapping and barking about deporting students and dismantling student groups for supporting #humanrights in #Palestine
At long last, have you no decency, #Conservatives?
Israel-Gaza: #GenocidalRhetoric and the #FogOfWarar | The Listening Post
#HateSpeechIsNotFreeSpeech #HateSpeech
WARNING: There are some graphic images. Also, some may be triggered. Please take care
The Shocking Link Between #HateSpeechAndGenocide
Caution: Could be triggering for some. Please take care