Now playing on LABR: The Greasy Spoon 153 Divine Ellison! Tune in now at #labr #radio #fediradio #live #music #dj #mixes #house #hiphop #rnb #rock #dnb #nowPlaying #np

Now playing on LABR: The Greasy Spoon 153 Divine Ellison! Tune in now at #labr #radio #fediradio #live #music #dj #mixes #house #hiphop #rnb #rock #dnb #nowPlaying #np
Phenom Declares MI Abaga as Nigeria’s Undisputed Rap Icon, Rejects Comparisons Follow, Like & Share #MIAbaga #NigerianRap #Phenom #HipHop #RapIcon
Track No. 25 for March 25th from my Netlabel Day Radio 2024 takeover:
Part of the @blocsonic artist roster, Cheese gave the world of Creative Commons music something truly special when he turned in a solo album full of dizzying scratches and cuts. A ridiculously fun listen.
Now playing on LABR: Boot Loop 16 Enoent! Tune in now at #labr #radio #fediradio #live #music #dj #mixes #house #hiphop #rnb #rock #dnb #nowPlaying #np
(FREE) GOD Alex Gilbert - "The Ascended" | Boombap Beat | | Melodic Beat | | Chill Beat |
BigXthaPlug & Bailey Zimmerman Confirm Release Date for 'All The Way'.
The duo was spotted filming the official music video for ‘All The Way’ at a countryside cottage. Check out exclusive clips from the set!
#tapetebleibt 02: Ankündigungen & Versprechen mit Deathmetal Backround. Morgen mehr vom Fußweg vor- und nach der ARbeIT!!! #hiphop #comeback #recycling #streik #bvg
Une carte blanche menée tambour battant par l'ami Charles était au programme de l'émission à écouter ci-dessous.
Le cœur de celle-ci a fait la part belle au lien entre le hip-hop et la pop culture grâce aux anecdotes finement choisies de Charles. Grand merci à lui !
La playlist est à retrouver
Now playing on LABR: The Greasy Spoon 155 Divine Ellison! Tune in now at #labr #radio #fediradio #live #music #dj #mixes #house #hiphop #rnb #rock #dnb #nowPlaying #np
Native Instruments releases Play Series: 24K Keys & Drums and Luxury Hip Hop Leap Expansion
Almost 30 years ago I stopped using and learning #MusicTheory and just made some #OldSchool #HipHop beats with an Amiga tracker, wanting better samples. Then started mixing, at some point #disco|vered #HouseMusic and mainly cared about BPM, key, and rhythm for a long time. A few years ago got amazing analog midi synths/drums, and only made a track or two. Anyways, since a week I'm properly studying theory and multiple instruments in parallel whenever I can, and it's so much fun already...
Now playing on LABR: Noise Block 01 Enoent & Eziman! Tune in now at #labr #radio #fediradio #live #music #dj #mixes #house #hiphop #rnb #rock #dnb #nowPlaying #np
Der "Meta-Anarchie - Cash over truth" Song:
Ein Song aus Sicht des mächtigen Social-Media-Moguls Zuck, der auf Fact-Checking verzichtet und Fakes und Chaos in seinem digitalen Imperium willkommen heißt. Er stellt Profit über Wahrheit und genießt seine Milliarden, während die Welt im Chaos versinkt. #fabulr #musik #westcoast #hiphop
I'm playing records on the internet again.
Kali Mera!
#owncast #streaming #music #dub #hiphop #reggae #jazz #prog #triphop #folk #african #middleeastern #acid #bleeps #jungle #electronica #onusound #liotia #soundmakers #voso #theassemblyworker #inpc #onemanandhisturntable