Tō-ji (東寺) was a national guardian temple at the beginning of the Heian Period in the late 8th Century, hence its earlier name Kyo-o-gokoku-ji. It became historically important when Emperor Saga subsequently granted the temple to Kūkai as the headquarters of his new religion Shingon, in the lineage of Indian and Chinese Esoteric Buddhism. After returning from the T'ang Dynasty capital, Kūkai was instrumental in starting Japan's golden age. Near Kyōto Station now, it has Japan's tallest pagoda, and one of the great treasures of human accomplishment, a 3D maṇḍala of divinities. I went looking for plum blossoms (梅の花), which are very late this year, and was mostly rewarded with fragrant white, pink, and red blossoms.
See more details in the captions to the photos, especially about Kūkai with the first photo, findings from my in situ MA research..
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