The Baffler
Sarah Jaffe
February 4, 2025
Organized Abandonment
"New Orleans filmmaker Edward Buckles Jr. wrote in Time, “Like so many times before, the process of grieving and healing was pushed aside, overtaken by the rush to reopen the city for business.”
In a time of escalating climate catastrophe, we need something other than paeans [praise, a song of praise] to resilience.”
Postbinary Genetic Sequences is a series of 13 computationally woven tapestries that challenge traditional biological and sociocultural frameworks through hand-woven tapestries made from the genetic data of various organisms. it sparks curiosity about the complexities of existence and promotes a nuanced understanding of life's intricacies through the interplay of genetic data, art, and activism.
Kee Avil’s new album Spine, out May 3 on Constellation Records.
Art CoDirection by Jacqueline Beaumont
HMU by Carole the artist
Photography by Fatine Violette
Maria Romeiras Amado @mariaromeiras was one of the editors (woth Pieter Verstraete and Carlos Manique) of the dossier "New cultural histories of disability and education" published in Paedagogica Historica.
2 x ethnologist / anthropologist
@ The Institute of Ethnology, #CzechAcademyOfSciences
"2 positions of ethnologist/anthropologist for the four-year project OP JAK "Land gone wild: archaeological and transdisciplinary research of resilience strategies in 20th century." The project focuses on the research of #archaeology, #materiality and individual, collective and landscape #memory of 20th century #Czechia
Come to work with us!
Deadline: 15/01/2024
Abrimos as inscrições (gratuitas) para o Joint International Workshop IHC / Drexel University, subordinado ao tema "Materialidades da violência, história e historiografia".
Tal como no ano passado, será acolhido pela Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, e está agendado para 19 e 20 de Dezembro.
"Irish Materialisms" by Colleen Taylor provides 5 original case studies on nonhuman agents in Irish colonial culture, in #IrishLiterature: on coins, flax, spinning wheels, mud, and the pig
#nonhuman #materiality
#PostcolonialStudies #IrishStudies #LiteraryStudies #Irishness
OnlineFirst - "Material subjects: Wetland enclosure and the making of a speculative peasantry in peri-urban Vientiane" by Wanjing Kelly Chen and Miles Kenney-Lazar:
#periurbanization #agrariansubjectivity #materiality #dispossession #Vientiane
Archaeoethnologica: Mateliality & Diplomacy in Ancient Mediterranean - Book / Materialidade e Diplomacia no Mediterrâneo Antigo - Livro
+INFO in:
Archaeoethnologica: Mateliality & Diplomacy in Ancient Mediterranean - Book / Materialidade e Diplomacia no Mediterrâneo Antigo - Livro
+INFO in:
Last but not least in our session: Wenyi Shang (presenting), Yuqi Chen, Ryan Dubnicek, Ryan Cordell and Stephen J Downie: "Interplays Between #Materiality and Content in #Book History: Evidence from 16th–19th Century #Chinese and #English Books", at #DH2024. #BookHistory
They used #HathiTrust Extracted Features, which is very cool of course. Book size and print size interact in interesting, and different, ways in Chinese and English.
New #introduction: I’m the Mark Andrews Fellow in Book Science at OBNS (Old Books New Science) Lab, University of Toronto, and a #MedievalManuscripts scholar and cataloguer. My research mainly focuses on later #medieval European #manuscripts with an emphasis on scientific and #quantitative methods, #materiality, and provenance studies.
#BookScience #codicology #palaeography #BookHistory #HeritageScience #parchment #DigitalHumanities #quant #statistics
Are you a member of @ANZAMEMS Australian and New Zealand Association of Medieval and Early Modern Studies? Make sure to join the #ECR #postgraduate reading group - next session is June 25.
It has a ribbon tacket in the upper corner.
Many items in this series are legal documents so I don't want to separate or cut the attachment material.
CONGRATULATIONS to University of York's Kirsty Ryder who passed her viva with minor corrections.
Her PhD was "Purple, White & Green: The Material Construction of Women’s Suffrage," examining women's liberation through the #materiality of direct action.
FORESIGHT + MATERIALITY. New book about materiality in design. A hundred years ago, who would have thought our world would be made of plastic, polyester, and particle board. A hundred years from now, maybe our world will be made of self-healing masonry, bacterial-sculpted blocks, and photosynthetic biocomposites. Designing with living organisms.
This looks like the volume I’ve been waiting for: Palladino, Chiara, and Gabriel Bodard . 2023. Can’t Touch This: Digital Approaches to Materiality in Cultural Heritage. London: Ubiquity Press. DOI: #CulturalHeritage #DigitalHumanities #Materiality
EN This dyptic is one of my first #projects dealing with the #materiality of the #internet and the responsibility we have as users. The first #poster describes the various major players in the contemporary internet and offers a critical vision of the standards imposed on ordinary users. The second poster proposes a vision of a shared Internet, and presents various existing solutions for regaining control over personal #data .