Hi there pixelfed!
We, are the Storyteller Squad! We're a queer-led, narrative-driven actual play podcast featuring magic, mystery, and vibrant characters who inhabit a world where the supernatural and the mundane intertwine.
We started this project in 2020 playing Monster of the Week by Michael Sands, and we're now in season 3 of our first campaign! From small town mystery, to wild road trips, to magical crime noir in the city of Portland, we like to think our story has a little something for everyone, delivered in a lovely 2.5 hour package for you every two weeks! (Including plenty of romance if you're a self proclaimed "shipping goblin," like one of our cast members)
Sound like it's up your alley? Awesome! You can find us on just about any of your favorite podcasting platforms (even Youtube!)
Not sure where to start? We got you covered. We have this handy link hub on our website, (hover over the listen tab and select "Where to Start?" or click the link on our profile!) where you can start from the very beginning, listen to a sample 2-part adventure, and even skip a season or two if a nearly 100 episode backlog isn't for you.
Let's...have an adventure~
#ttrpgs #monsteroftheweek #tabletopgaming #podcast #tabletopgamingpodcast #poweredbytheapocalypse #urbanfantasy #lgbtqiaplus #actualplaypodcast #actualplay #thestorytellersquad #storysquadcast