god exists (sleepytime gorilla museum is playing the east coast again this year) #music #prog #rockinopposition #art #yaaaaaaa
#nowplaying #RockInOpposition #MotorTotemistGuild #ModernComposition
Solar Maxima by James Grigsby (2024, Rotary Totem)
#NowPlaying #UrKaos #ChamberRock #RockInOpposition
#LachenJonsson’s poignant song meditations on works by the Nobel Prize-winning German/Swedish poet #NellySachs
#NowPlaying #MickHobbs #TimHodgkinson #TheWork #RockInOpposition
THE WORK - "Hell" from The 4th World CD (Ad Hoc Records, 2010; recorded 1994).
"The texts for the songs performed on this tour were montaged from art catalogues, sacred books, mistranslated poems, medical manuals, teaching materials, newspapers and play scripts."
Paul Teglia & The Goodmakers of Shit – Feito A Mao
#Experimental #Jazz #ProgressiveRock #Rock #chamber #postpunk #postrock #postrock #rockinopposition #Palermo
CC BY (#CreativeCommons Attribution)
Slapp Happy "Some questions about hats" 1975
#SlappHappy #DagmarKrause #rockinopposition #avantgarde #artrock #artpop
Slap Happy "Small Hands of Stone"
Tender, quivering flower of a song
#SlapHappy #DagmarKrause #artpop #artrock #rockinopposition #rio
#NowPlaying #JamesGrigsby #MotorTotemistGuild #RockInOpposition
Motor Totemist Guild's classic 1984 debut album has now been remastered/reissued on Bandcamp
@mrowster BTW I saw the #RockInOpposition in your bio and thought you'd be interested - if I've understood the meaning of the # correctly.
#deltapunk made a secret new "French Connection". We are happy to announce that french Progressive Jazz Noise Metal Formation supérieure NI is coming into town and will be our guest at Chelsea Vienna on Friday the 12th of July.
NI will be supported by dark ambient harsh noise act STIRB .
Tickets > https://ntry.at/stirbatnifr
Historia de la música electrónica popular: 1976: Sinfonía para el día en que las ciudades ardan https://historiadelamusicaelectronicapopular.blogspot.com/2024/05/1976-sinfonia-para-el-dia-en-que-las.html?spref=tw #RIO #RockInOpposition #ArtZoyd #French #progrock Symphonie Pour Le Jour Où Brûleront Les Cités - 1976 - 1981
Historia de la música electrónica popular: 1976: Los residentes en el Tercer Reich del rock&roll https://historiadelamusicaelectronicapopular.blogspot.com/2024/04/1976-los-residentes-en-el-tercer-reich.html #RockInOpposition #progrock #electronicmusic #TheResidents Third Reich'n Roll - 1976
Historia de la música electrónica popular: 1974: Encuentro con los residentes https://historiadelamusicaelectronicapopular.blogspot.com/2024/04/1974-encuentro-con-los-residentes.html #TheResidents #RIO #RockinOpposition #Avantgarde Meet the Residents - 1974
Historia de la música electrónica popular: 1976: Los conciertos de Henry Cow con Robert Wyatt https://historiadelamusicaelectronicapopular.blogspot.com/2024/02/1976-los-conciertos-de-henry-cow-con.html #progrock #RIO #RockInOpposition #Canterbury #HenryCow #RobertWyatt Concerts - 1976
#ThirtyDaySongChallenge #NowPlaying #RockInOpposition
Day 21: A song you like with a person's name in the title
"C'est Charles" - #AksakMaboul (2020)
My guess is that this title is a reference to Baudelaire, but a total inability to speak French doesn't hamper enjoyment of this groovy little number one iota. Askak Maboul was a singular Belgian 70s Rock in Opposition band that somehow re-materialised in this dour 21st century to continue blowing the same 100 or so minds they melted the first time around. That the record this was taken from ("Figures") was my favourite album of 2020 is of no consequence.
Hey: why hasn't anyone sampled that vicious 12 second intro yet? I'm expecting it to end up on a #KennySegal production in a matter of weeks.
#ListeningClub Musically, this band is definitely influenced by the #RockInOpposition movement of #Progressive and #AvantGarde bands of the 1970s, as well as the explosive #Punk and #DIY scenes.