Friends, I have been given some contact information for members of the Harris for President digital and social communications teams and I have started reaching out to them about our #MastodonforHarris fundraiser, If you have been considering a contribution, today would be a great day to show a lot of activity!
@heidilifeldman didn’t know non US citizens couldn’t donate but I guess that makes some sense given Vladimir‘s appetite for interference :-)
Let us know what comes of this outreach effort.
I will say this: I have a bad taste in my mouth about how the DNC and the Obama campaign handled all those shiny happy DailyKos volunteers.
@heidilifeldman today was my day. Keep it up, and thanks.
@EdSanders Thank you!
@heidilifeldman see if they are willing to set up their own (or a us government) instance, and use that for official notifications. #mastodon
@heidilifeldman make sure they know Harris’s Threads accounts aren’t federated. I can’t follow her!
@heidilifeldman I will make my next donation at the White Dudes for Harris Zoom.