i wish someone would write, from scratch (with modern, but minimalist approaches) a text-first spreadsheet that is based on something like TSV (but with some metadata) and can be easily synced/merged and viewed/edited on the web as well.
@mntmn argh, yes. For functionality and the text-first approach I am absolutely in love with the org-mode spreadsheet¹²³, but it's no good for simultaneous collaboration with other users.
¹: https://orgmode.org/manual/The-Spreadsheet.html
³: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/calc/index.html
@gnomon org-mode spreadsheet does not calculate in realtime though, or does it? maybe i'm remembering a different one in emacs where it was cumbersome to recalculate and rearrange things
@mntmn both automatic cell recalculation¹ and rearranging rows & columns while automatically updating formula references do work now, but I think only in the last couple of years did they get particularly polished.
(I like the decoupling between data entry and formula evaluation, possibly because I got used to clock expressions in a different spreadsheet I used previously²³, but I think I'm in the minority.)
¹: https://orgmode.org/manual/Advanced-features.html
@mntmn @gnomon It triggers recalculation when you leave a cell (once the row and column formulas are in place).
Setting up the formulas can be a bit non-intuitive (sometimes the formulas created from ":=" or "=" needs a little manual tweaking), but once they are in place recalculation works sweet for my purposes.
But it's not easily separable form the rest of org-mode I think.
Of course org-mode is where I organize my life anyway...