I'll be honest: I'm still struggling with the style updates on mastodon.social. Everything feels a bit misaligned and harder to read.
Just me?
@fribbledom Not only that, it also wastes precious vertical screen space in exchange for the horizontal space which is in no danger of running out.
@cnx @Creideiki hmm i’m not sure what it looks like when logged in, but this sure is terrible
@cnx I did not, since I only care about how the web interface looks on a 16:9 computer screen. For tall and narrow mobile phone screens, there are better clients.
How does it look when logged in, @Creideiki? For me it’s rather acceptable.
@cnx @Creideiki that's how it's looked since forever after I found out how to lose that ridiculous tweetdeck style interface.
@cnx Screenshots of old and new layout. Taken from two different computers with two different screen resolutions, since only the one with the small screen had reloaded to the new interface.
@cnx Left: old layout, 1080p screen.
Right: New layout, 768p screen.