Sitting on a ferry trying to work but I don’t know why I try—the WiFi is always pretty much impossible. I think the universe is telling me to start my vacation weekend already!
@clhendricksbc Ferry wifi. I always try. And am always disppointed. And yet, I will try again next time. It's a sisyphian hell.
@clintlalonde Exactly! It teases you just enough bc it sort of works sometimes. Then it stops. But then it works. It’s like you think just maybe this time it will be good.
@clhendricksbc @clintlalonde Ah, you B.C. people, you suffer so.
@Downes @clintlalonde I know...whinge whinge whinge!
@clhendricksbc @Downes new hashtag #westcoastproblems
"Why are there no chargers for my Tesla in this campground?"
"Ugh. Kale chips. Again."
"French pressed? I specifically asked for a pour-over."
"This IPA is a bit too under-hopped. Needs more Citra."