blog! “Server-Side Rendering of Embedded Markdown Code Snippets in WordPress”
Because I'm a grumpy old man, I don't use Gutenberg or Block themes on my WordPress. Instead, I write everything in Markdown. When I write code snippets in Markdown, they look like this: ```php $a = 1; echo $a; if ($a < 5) { // Do Something return thing( $a, true …
#HowTo #php #programming #WordPress
Can't be arsed creating a dark mode for my code-highlighting.
Just going to shove `filter: invert(1);` in the CSS when someone selects Dark.
OK #CSS nerds, I'm stuck on a problem.
My `<code>` blocks scroll horizontally when they overflow (good!) but is there any way to slightly fade out the right side *only* if there's further content to be seen?
I want to make it a bit more obvious if there's some more content to be seen. No everyone scrolls down to see the x-axis scroll bar.
(Not looking for Google results, thanks.)
@Edent I do something similar with Craft. Everything in Markdown.
I need to have a code-snippet solution. I’ve only run into the issue once but it caused some headaches for me when trying to publish my email.
@Edent In the Python example, the `datetime` import has a different color than the other imports. Just a random observation.
@tomayac yeah, there is some weird colouring going on.
TBH, everyone seems to have a different theme for their preferred IDE - so I might just go with rainbow colours
@Edent Yes! A after pseudo element with the same color as the background. Make it relatively small (0.5rem?). And attach it to the right side of the container.
@Edent And add a gradient to transparent obviously
@OddDev Not a bad plan. But it shows up even when there's nothing to scroll.
And, unless I'm missing something, scrolls with the content.
@Edent Yes! That's why it needs to be the same color as the background. And you should add a gradient to transparent.
@Edent Plus it needs to be positioned absolute in relation to the immediate container.
@Edent @Edent
@Edent or or or if you want to use `animation-timeline`. Since Google Search is broken nowadays :)
@KrijnHoetmer ah! That gets me a bit closer. Thanks
@Edent one technique is using a certain padding and showing the fading gradient either way.
@Edent Using the pseudo element after or before with absolute positioning and relative positioning on the element itself, that is.
@Edent I’d probably combine @Kilian’s masking with @hexagoncircle’s scroll-driven animation