Intending to submit our Android app to the Play Store for review today
Submitted for review!
If you know how to submit it to, please help us do so
Still waiting for review
@Gargron Is it on F-Droid yet?
@Gargron what about F-droid? Will it be released on it?
@Gargron As i just joined today, i was curious about that...
Good news
@Gargron exciting. Hope I can finally convert my husband to a mastodon user !
@Gargron It will probably take a while as it's competing with Google+ xD
@Gargron Good luck I can-nya. doing it real quick
@Gargron they wont approve... google hates foss...
anyways - take this app =]
@hacknorris @Gargron
There are already mastodon clients in the Android app store, and apps which are open-sourced
@nerdcottagecore ikr? just that non-official... and fdroid lists all foss so pinged em...
@hacknorris That'd be madness if this didn't get approved. I watch and wait
@nerdcottagecore its gonna be approved for google play, not fdroid...
@hacknorris Ahh now I follow. Derp
@Gargron As an alternative to an Android app, you might consider Pinafore:
I use it on both desktop and Firefox on my phone. A very nicely done, responsive web app. And tolerably lightweight, to boot!
@Gargron Installed and it worked with my account (although not post and news content in the explore page, but that is known). But when I try to make a test account on, nothing happens. See
Also is in the wrong category, it should be under Activism (like on joinmastodon).
@Gargron how about @fdroidorg ?
@Gargron dont forget about google staff ¬_,¬
@Gargron Can't wait.
@Gargron Fdroid is considered, thx :)) Using Librem Social & Tusky. Looking forward to try it. About "Push notification"; android with MicroG works well with this. Some apps are using their own notification code (Ex. Threema). Its an extra background ptocess, but Im personally ok with it. Good luck with all