Just finished Ben Highmore's wonderful book Playgrounds: The Experimental Years.
It's all about the ambitions of 20th century junk/adventure playgrounds that gave children the freedom to build, explore, experiment, and role play – and in so doing, inoculate them against fascism. https://reaktionbooks.co.uk/work/playgrounds
Here's Carl Theodor Sørensen writing in 1935 about a junk playground – very different from the orthodox playgrounds with fixed slides and swings.
Sørensen notes that playgrounds dedicated to constructive play "would look terrible" – a challenge that gravely hampered their prospects later on...
Sørensen built his playground in Emdrup, on the outskirts of Copenhagen, in 1943. Danish parents wanted a space where kids could play without Nazis occupiers suspecting they were saboteurs.
He later wrote, "of all the things I have helped realise, the junk playground is the ugliest: yet for me it is the best and most beautiful of my works."
Junk playgrounds had playworkers. John Bertelsen was the first in the Emdrup playground, and understood the assignment "to avoid serious intrusion into their fantasy world".
Inspired by Sørensen, Minneapolis opened their own junk playground called The Yard in 1949.
At first, children hoarded the resources, causing a "great depression" in building and play materials. But after a couple of days, they spontaneously banded together a began collective building projects.
(I'm reminded of @clive's great piece about how children playing Minecraft learn the principals of governance to prevent each others' work from being destroyed) https://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/17/magazine/the-minecraft-generation.html?unlocked_article_code=1.rk4.kIiq.nFVH5dmt94_e&smid=url-share
Around 1953, junk playgrounds were renamed "adventure playgrounds", to placate nervous officials. (IMO this has become quite confusing today!)
The Lollard Adventure Playground in London ran from 1955-60. The children wrote a magazine; they describe how they "can have fires, cook, and build things":
Older children built their own workshop and helped fix up the rooms of local pensioners.
They also performed musicals, and after starting a magazine, they realised they could write their own scripts. Apparently the shows "vastly improved" as a result.
The Lollard Adventure Playground was sexist – the workshop was for boys only.
But the Crawley Adventure Playground had a woman as playleader. She got them involved in building a shack and sawing wood.
In Switzerland, Lederman and Trachsel built playgrounds with the goal of encouraging co-operation and negotiation.
In Zurich-Wiedikon, children had an entire homemade town "made of packing cases, planks and scrap materials in a perpetual state of construction and demolition" complete with its own parliament.
This was a far cry from today's hyper-commercialised Kidzania, where "participation" is laughably superficial compared to this wholly co-created world.
But as Sørensen predicted, no-one wanted an ugly playground. They'd rather have a clean, sterile, controlled environment. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KidZania
In 1967, Cornelia Hahn Oberlander designed an adventure playground for the Montreal Expo.
Originally thought of as a kind of holding pen for children, it became massively popular with over 30,000 visits, many of them returning multiple times.
Oberlander decried how "orthodox" playgrounds were sterile spaces with standardised eqiupment.
"This is passive entertainment ... we must raise a generation that wants, and knows, how to be involved."
Ben Highmore and Oberlander note that playgrounds can be more than spaces of vertiginous, physical fun. They should be spaces of concentrated creativity, where children can visit their *own* make-believe worlds.
Today, Minecraft and Roblox do some of this very well – but not all of it.
As inspiring as the experimental playground movement is, it would be a mistake to nostalgically aim to replicate it fully. It had a "loose anti-urbanism" and valorised rural life.
We all know that children don't have enough physical spaces to play in, but we can't go back.
Our challenge now is to design imaginative, co-created, embodied play that can exist in cities *and* compete with video games.
If you're inspired, buy Ben Highmore's book!
It's very readable and has way more stories than I've included here, including how Central Park was denied an awesome junk playground by the hoity-toity Lauder Foundation... https://reaktionbooks.co.uk/work/playgrounds
Ben was also interviewed on Radio 4's Thinking Allowed podcast, which is where I learned of this book! https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m0027507
In Switzerland, Lederman and Trachsel built playgrounds with the goal of encouraging co-operation and negotiation.
In Zürich-Wiedikon, children had an entire homemade town "made of packing cases, planks and scrap materials in a perpetual state of construction and demolition" complete with its own parliament.
@adrianhon We never got a full on junk playground in Canada but we got some pretty close ones in Toronto in the 70s and early 80s
There was an elementary school playground not far from my house that had a massive pile of telephone-pole-sized beams, all piled up in a weird jumble — you could crawl around inside the negative space
It was *wild*
@clive I don't think I've ever seen one myself but it sounds like Canada was pretty keen on them in the 70s and 80s, yes! Everything is much more organised now...
@clive @adrianhon The Leslie Street Spit was never within anything considered walking distance by Toronto's East End kids,
Whenever I biked out there,
Among the debris landfilling the spit into being,
Were wonderous creations of bricks and cement blocks and rebar and tiles and poles.
That's where I made many found object Labyrinths, some as large as fifty or sixty feet in diameter.
Alas, the overpolicing of the Spit has taken even this away from Toronto's present day kid bike tripping
that is so interesting to hear!
I should add that when I grew up in North York in the 70s, it was rapidly expanding, so within a block or two of my house there were tons of houses under construction
At night my friend and I would go into the half built houses, wander around, grab stray bits of wiring and pieces of cast-off wood and use them to make things
basically our own de facto junk playgrounds lol
@clive @adrianhon YES!
TRUE for my Toronto childhood elsewhere in Etobicoke, East York.
I found biking around such construction sites in the late 1990s and onward,
I encountered lowly paid security guards would politely approach me and ask I NOT bike through their private property under construction.
That was likely enough of a visual deterrent to stop young kids from doing what you and I did when their age.
Alas, newer generations lose this bit of childhood self-agency & discovery
@clive @adrianhon There are currently some good adventure playgrounds in Toronto. Best one is Dufferin Grove. There are planks, buckets, logs, shovels, and a hose hookup (when the weather is appropriate). Not quite the same thing as the earlier ones Adrian mentions, but my kid loved it, and it was always busy.
@clive @adrianhon In England, plenty of National Trust sites have den building areas. It's basically "here's a bunch of felled trees in a forest or ditch. Have at it." Also very, very popular.
Oh right on! I didn’t know about that one, sounds amazing
@clive @adrianhon Have you seen the one on Governors Island? https://www.play-ground.nyc/the-yard
oooo, no, didn't know it existed!
I'm gonna check it out this spring after it warms up and there's more activity
@adrianhon pls pls pls let this book have something about the bizarre play spaces developed by Keith Albarn (aka Damon's dad) in the 70s
City Museum in St Louis is gloriously junk playground
@adrianhon Toronto, My home town, had a large city-block-sized "Adventure Playground."
Located opposite and across the small channel from Downtown Toronto's present day Island Airport.
All the childhood "politics" and self-governance and collective self-agency you describe throughout this thread existed.
I experienced and witnessed much of it.
In true Toronto-ish municipal culture,
The Adventure Playground was split into two:
One for kids aged ~12-16,
+ smaller one for younger kids ~7-15.
@HiMYSYeD Great to know!
@adrianhon There was a category of "Gentrification" to our 1970s and early 1980s "Adventure Playground" then located in today's "Little Norway Park" along Toronto's Waterfront.
The design for "Ontario Place" located west of our Adventure Playground,
Included a "Children's Village".
Which even as an 8 and 9 year old could grasp shared "something" with the Adventure Playground.
@adrianhon @clive this was such a lovely piece—thanks for posting it. (And @clive, you always delight!)
Aha, so glad you liked it!
honestly in almost 30 years of magazine journalism, it’s in my personal top five favorite pieces I’ve written, maybe in my top three
@clive @adrianhon I'm not surprised to hear it might make your top three, but I'm also curious to understand why it holds that spot! What makes it stand out to you, if you don't mind. :)
I think it's partly the subject matter touches on so many things I have a multidecadal interest in (games and the culture of play; indie computing decoupled from central control; the bleed between computational resources and aesthetic creativity; online self-governance) ...
... while structurally/stylistically it let me engage in the sort of ideas-journalism format I love: Profiles of fascinating individuals mixed in with theory, history, etc
@clive @adrianhon That scans!
I'll add that you provided much-needed sense-making for parents trying to understand the phenomenon that had captured their kids' attention. It felt to me as if you had worked to explain it to yourself so that you could explain it to your parent friends, and then you wrapped it up with a cultural bow. It was personal (and quite relatable).
Reading it ~9 years later, I'm curious to know how the kids you interviewed see the impact Minecraft had on the paths they took. What affect did the Ian Bogost's (maybe @ibogost?) of the world observe, if any?
@adrianhon @ibogost @earth2marsh
it would be incredibly interesting to make contact with all those kids and find out how things have shaken out for them! Maybe I will do that sometime, good idea
@adrianhon This is fascinating.
@mhoye thank you!
@adrianhon @mhoye He sounds just like D.W. Winnicott. (This is high praise as far as I am concerned.)