debugging my project gutenberg scraper unintentionally produced an emphatic rallying cry
@aparrish (belted to the tune of obv)
@aparrish just curious. Are you putting the image descriptions in, or is Mastodon doing that? If it's you, thank you for being mindful of accessibility. If it's Mastodon, well... That's one scary robot-dinosaur-elephant we should worship.
@ChangelingRandy I am putting the image descriptions in! though I would love to see the machine learning model trained on descriptions of screenshots of text :)
@aparrish aesthetic
@aparrish ooh that's my favorite Springsteen song
@aparrish *gigabytes* of gender
@aparrish [very Bruce Springsteen voice]: "PUBLIC DOMAIIIIIIIIN IN THE U-S-A! public....DOMAIIIIIIN
New wallpaper?
@aparrish @starbreaker this is pure art!