from Goldberg, Natalie. Writing down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within. Shambala, 1986, p. 8. (_Writing Down the Bones_, according to Wikipedia, "sold over a million copies and is considered an influential work on the craft of writing." if "free writing" was put forth as a method in any of your creative writing classes from elementary school to college, chances are your teacher got the idea from this book)
@aparrish Wonderful book about writing and more.
@aparrish i don't think i ever read (much of) this book, but somewhere on my shelves a copy of it is one of the only relics of a college era romantic relationship that was Definitely A Mistake.
@aparrish i probably have it filed next to like 3 editions of _letters to a young poet_
@aparrish It's even older than that. Free writing was a thing at my schools pre-1983.