Pierre Poilievre’s Complete Track Record on 2SLGBTQIA+ Issues
The conservative candidate for Canada’s next Prime Minister mimics much of President Donald Trump and right-wing American politicians’ rhetoric on transgender rights.
#CanPol #Conservatives #Poilievre #protofascism #antiLGBT #Trumpism
#USpol #Trump #fascism #Christofascism #transgenocide
He's such a weasel (snake). Dangerous.
@persagen Now that he can't whine about Trudeau or the carbon tax, that is his new bogeyman he is going to save Canadians from? A small minority of people who are more endangered by his like, who are of no harm to any of us, basically creating a non-existent problem to solve because it's easier than actually fixing & improving things that *will* make a positive difference...
Ugh & sigh.
Attacking the most vulnerable among us is cowardly.
Vulnerable as in targeted, not in internal strength.
@CStamp you de best!
@persagen I try. :)
Honestly, I will never understand what it's like to not feel I belong in my body, but I do understand suicide rates of people not being allowed to be themselves and I can understand the courage of those who live what they feel is their truth. If it's bold for gay folk to come out of the closet, it's beyond bold for trans folk. I don't think I have that amount of courage, maybe because I haven't had to. So hat's off to Victoria, who I knew in her caterpillar stage. :)