Can Elon Musk And DOGE Access Student Loan Data? What To Know #DepartmentOfEducation #DepartmentOfGovernmentEfficiency #doge #DonaldTrump #ElonMusk #FederalStudentLoans #ferpa #FerpaPenalties #Musk #StudentLoanDataAccess #StudentLoansForgivenFerpa #UniversityOfCaliforniaLawsuit
So there's a massive #databreach affecting school districts across the country and millions of students .... and #FERPA doesn't require data breach notification to students.
But's that okay anyway because Trump wants to totally shutter the federal Education Department?
I would normally insert the "Everything is Fine" meme here but in light of California's fires, it doesn't feel appropriate right now.
Some folks may get confused by PowerSchool saying that if they have medical records on students, they may have to notify under HIPAA.
Most student medical/health records are not covered under HIPAA. They are covered under FERPA.
If the district is billing the student's health insurance for services like speech therapy, physical therapy, or occupational therapy, then there's a HIPAA issue. Or if the school has arrangements with an actual clinic that is providing medical/health services to students. But most things like doctor's absence notes or even allergy action plans or school medication orders are not under HIPAA.
If the district has a health plan for employees that it administers, there's also a HIPAA issue there.
N.J. school accidentally released names of kids who opted out of sex education:
It seems they had redacted the names in .pdf version, but web .HTML version was exposing the names. Ok, chalk it up to error? But then someone claims that a school official knew about this problem a year ago and did nothing about it?
And of course, what's the remedy under #FERPA? Oh, that's right -- there is none.
For your "No need to hack if it's leaking" files:
"Confidential student information was unintentionally leaked in Naperville Central’s School Improvement Plan, which was released publicly on Friday, Sept. 20. It was removed on Tuesday, Sept. 24 around 3:35 p.m. when Central Times staff brought the breach to the attention of Principal Jackie Thornton."
BlackSuit ransomware update: 42GB of data claimed to be from Edgewood Schools posted, nothing new on Monroe County government attack
OK, I did not know about this last year when the Verity Vote report came out. Did you?
Concerns raised over universities signing over students’ private #FERPA data to voter data companies:
Related report: "The Best Data that Money Can’t Buy
Student Data for Partisan Political Advantages"
How did I sleep through this???
Any partisan biases aside, is there a real #privacy #dataprotection issue here?
@douglevin @brett @funnymonkey Well, as we all know too well, #FERPA doesn't even require notification,so let's look to state law. According to the Kansas AG:
"Kansas law requires any person who conducts business in this state that owns or licenses computerized data including personal information to conduct good faith investigations into the
likelihood that personal information has been or will be
misused when it becomes aware of any breach of the security of the system. (K.S.A. 50-7a02.) If the investigation reveals that Personal Information has been misused, or is likely to be misused, the person must give notice to the affected Kansas resident without unreasonable delay and as soon as possible."
Not much help there. But I don't think almost a year is reasonable.
I'm seeing an awful lot of Threads sourced nuggets espousing the virtues of, along with optimism surrounding, the #Fediverse lately.
This seems a bit sus to me, like a concerted outreach effort on the part of Meta/Faceplant and a few other largish, commercial actors to popularize their ulterior motives of domination by... Ahem, normalizing the concepts of #DeSoc and more specifically, the ActivityPub powered spaces in the Fediverse.
I actually dunno who MDBHD or John Oliver are, but I'm certain that they're no Oprah, although it would be nice if she would weigh in on the critical mass achieved to date in the adoption of Fediverse technologies that are #FOSS based, and #Privacy respecting.
To date, *Privacy has been of primary consideration and motivation in the development community surrounding the #ActivityPub powered platforms in the Fediverse, but the questionable players entering from the horizontally scaling decentralized social networking industry have, as of late, been overwhelmingly of the deprecated, privacy disrespecting, monolithic silo persuasion. These monolithic-ally inclined companies hailing from vertically thinking companies are an expected, yet suspect group of *privacy mining experts, sophomorically (sic)
wading into the deep end of a demographic consisting mostly of privacy minded* individuals and notable developers of the FOSS based portions of the software world.
These industrial surveillance engines are already back on their heels as they venture into what many warn as an #EEE incursion - but truth be told, already too late to the game to subjugate, assimilate us: #Diaspora #ZOT #nostr #Nomad #Matrix #TOR #Yggdrasil #I2P #IPFS / #IPNS and others, including blockchain based so-called #Web3 solutions with baked in privacy considerations at the protocol layer are being *Bridged to interoperate with each other and ActivityPub in the Fediverse at rates which the purveyors of industrial surveillance machinery must invariably only describe as "alarming rates" - that's good news for the average schmoes of the world like you and I. </tangent>
So why are we, just in the past few weeks, seeing so much attention given to the Fediverse by these #juggernauts, perhaps #dreadnoughts, that for so long have exhibited such great restraint and avoidance of the mere utterance of Fediverse, ActivityPub, or even alluding to the notions of Decentralization? There's certainly a particular spin in their delivery, leveraging third parties that obfuscate their participation in the dissemination of their, Great News.
Speaking of Dreadnoughts, just how was it that the great Bismarck was taken out? Remember? The outgunned and outmatched Royal Navy took out her port rudder!
It was the end of an era. A rudder post. The Bismarck was doomed to circle her watery grave.
But I digress...
Make no mistake, obscuring the lines between the privacy respecting FOSS based camps that have historically steered the direction of DeSoc has taken, and the deprecated, proprietary silo companies which have based their entire existence upon advertising and industrial surveillance models that I refer to as The Sunnyvale Syndrome family of data mining engines, is now seeping through the cracks of a clear delineation between these two prinicples - that of uncompromising privacy and open source development and that of proprietary, closed source subjugation methodologies leveraging **YOU as the product in inventory*.
Feel free to boost and share your comments at length here. A million people other than myself are here in the Fediverse and are really interested in just what kind of impact the introduction of these traditionally privacy raiding Industrialists will have upon their... scratch that, our future online safety.
tl;dr: Your very private, personal medical history and data (and that of your minor children, in violation of FERPA regulations) is being wholesaled and auctioned off by the so-called "Big-Tech" entrants and hopefuls that are at this very time knocking on the front door of the ActivityPub portions of Fediverse... Tread lightly, and consider how your every move going forward affects the unwitting consent to farm and sell your most confidential personal information.
it is up to you - it is your choice to affirm or deny - whether industrial surveillance is your birthright to embrace or your nemesis to destroy... You, We, have that power to decide.
#tallship #Privacy #Sunnyvale_Syndrome #meta #HIPAA #PHI #FERPA h/t to: @liaizon
In its wisdom, #SUNY central has apparently decided that allowing an instructor to manage multiple sections of the same course from one LMS shell is a violation of #FERPA
So here I am coding and entering grades and fighting with #brightspace to perfectly synchronize my two intro #statistics courses.
I would like to have a conversation with whatever SUNY lawyers made this ridiculous decision, with a FERPA representative on conference call.
Paging regulators to Aisle 4 to look at Pacific Union College's data security and breach disclosure:
#databreach #EduSec #FERPA #FTC #Deception #IncidentResponse #Transparency #Notification #GLBA #InfoSec #ransomware
One of the problems with asking companies "Can that data be connected back to the students themselves?" is that the algorithms that can correlate large, seemingly unrelated data are now so complex that the companies can always say "no" and still mean "yes." Beware "data analytics partners"! #AI #privacy #FERPA
@JMarkOckerbloom #lawfedi I’m not an education lawyer; does #FERPA not cover test scores?
Panel on Hot Topics in #FERPA is coming up! #SUNYOnlineSummit #OnlineLearning #OnlineEducation #OnlineTeaching
Day 3 of the #SUNYOnlineSummit is underway!! @DRbouchey is live now on using data to support #onlinelearning success, Definitions in #OnlineEducation is coming up, followed up by Hot Topics in #FERPA
Feds investigating Pasco schools giving student data to sheriff —The Tampa Bay Times reported in November that the school district shared information on student grades, discipline and attendance with the Sheriff’s Office, which used the data to compile a secret list of schoolchildren it believed could “fall into a life of crime.”
The federal education department is now looking into the arrangement, a spokesman said Friday. #dataprivacy #privacy #FERPA