good morning, enjoy a crime cat.
#TheCrimeCats say you'll only ever afford $30 boots.
weg met Bart De Wever, geef ons maar 4 dagen werkweek (32 uren) aan het zelfde loon! (Werkt beter dan de 5 dagen werkweek! (Echt waar, google het maar))
Out with Bart De Wever, you can give us 4 day work week (32 hours) at the same salary! (Works better than the 5 day work week! (We mean it, google it))
Klingt so, ist aber komisch
»Die ganze alte Scheiße ist im Arsch«
(Karl Marx an Friedrich Engels zur Wirtschaftskrise, 25. Dezember 1857. Quelle: Marx-Engels-Werke Band 29 (PDF), Seite 239), Inspiration via Karl Dietz Verlag
Aus unserem Blog: Karl Marx zur Wirtschaftskrise
Pünktlich zum Beginn des neuen #Bundestag empfehlen wir euch die schöne Marx Tote Bag – unser Kommentar zur Weltlage. Zitat von #Marx an Engels zur Wirtschaftskrise 1857 (MEW 29, S. 239). Haben wir auch auf der Leipziger Buchmesse am Stand Oder hier:
Reason To Hate Capitalism #231 - You cannot have a free press when it has Capitalist owners who are focused on their profits #capitalism #news #anticapitalism
but do businesses NEED (rather rely on) them or just THEN see, ...if #capitalism works without money?
who went bankrupt if noone seems interested in getting new things?
just let shelves stay full, when people guess it's worth having them
they get donated anyway to get new space in, so why fighting for materialism if ALL would live fair than in fear, in loosing one's home?
#accessible from the side
#fruit #fruits #shelf #market #piles #stock #food
than stacking up some pyramids, which are low to reach quite by sitting too
much work, not even volunteer's places stay perfect if shapes being prepared that aesthetic for their #customers to browse without the need of buying - other than stores "expect" them to ...own stuff later?
Listening to @thefinalstrawradio where a surprising twist is Australia's exported shame, Rio Tinto, was brought up in the context of the Serbian anti-corruption protests as "comically evil" - as their mining of Serbian lithium in the Jadar valley has resulted in poisoning the drinking water - is garning support from China, Russia the US and the EU to suppress the protests.
"the spice must flow..."
51st State Blues ft. Tyler Shipley
#Opportunity #RightwingSplit #Rightwing
#Canada #AntiImperialism #USA
#tiktok #tech #ai #opensource
#Reaistance #Democracy #politics #humanrights #antiCapitalism #Capitalism #antiFascism #Fascism
#China #geopolitics #Russia #BRICS #blackmastodon @blackmastodon
#Alberta #Ontario #Quebec #Montreal #Toronto #Calgary #TradeWar #Tariffs #Progressive #Socialism #Multipolarity #Africa
Wir freuen uns schon sehr euch , auf der Leipziger Buchmesse zu treffen Wir stehen mit der @rosaluxstiftung
in Halle 5, Stand K141. Unten der Timetable für unsere Talks, Forum Sachbuch (Halle 5, E700): Fr 14:30 Bafta Sarbo zu #WalterRodney + 15:00 Vincent Streichhahn zu »Feministische Internationale« / Sa 12:30 Michael Hewener zu #JohannesAgnoli. Oder hier:
good morning, enjoy a crime cat.
#TheCrimeCats left you a stinky wet little surprise.
"Es kann nicht sein, dass Menschen Flugzeuge haben und andere kein Zuhause"
Kapitalismuskritik geht viral
#LateStageCapitalism #AntiCapitalism
Buenos días y buen lunes (dentro de lo que se pueda). Os dejo un artículo sobre Blade Runner el juego de rol y la crítica al supremacismo capitalista ¡Espero que os guste!