Spray-Painted Penis Only Thing Holding Cybertruck Together
This is clearly a Blue Origin company car, with Jeff Bezos' space ship on it!
Image Credit: TheOnion
Queen @AmandaMarcotte: "Looking like a normal human being is boring, but being a grotesque version of yourself is a guaranteed way to get people looking. Call it the "car crash" principle of aesthetics."
Or this gem: "He [#Musk] is a #Cybertruck in human form, and that is almost certainly the point."
Queen @AmandaMarcotte: "Looking like a normal human being is boring, but being a grotesque version of yourself is a guaranteed way to get people looking. Call it the "car crash" principle of aesthetics."
Or this gem: "He [#Musk] is a #Cybertruck in human form, and that is almost certainly the point."
#Cybertruck #Tesla Ανακαλούνται όλα τα Tesla Cybertruck γιατί ξεκολλάνε πάνελ του ανοξείδωτου αμαξώματος (Βίντεο) https://www.zougla.gr/automoto/automoto-news/anakalountai-ola-ta-tesla-cybertruck-giati-xekollane-panel-tou-anoxeidotou-amaxomatos-vinteo/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
Imagine how badly you have to fuck up designing a car for you to be literally dismantling government regulation, and your car STILL gets recalled.
«AP: In latest blow to Tesla, regulators recall nearly all Cybertrucks»
Dear @elonmusk, have you finished fucking around yet, because you've really found out what happens.
46,000 cybertruck recalls can't be good for your share price or good publicity.
Try blaming the radical left this time.
#teslatakedown #cybertruck #swasticars #recall #tesla #TeslaStockCrash
Rflmao special thanks to my cousin Dean for this beauty!! #BuyerBeware #Cybertruck
I guess my feelings on @mozillaofficial #Firefox are probably very similar to how previous #Tesla fans feel about Tesla, as well as #Cybertruck, these days.
The Tesla #Cybertruck design disaster just keeps getting worse - It already seemed clear that the #Tesla Cybertruck was a flop commercially when the company started offering incentives and even resorted to a desperate sales pitch on the White House lawn. It's also no news that the electric pick-up truck has design flaws, from frames snapping to the strange light positioning and an inability to handle snow. The car isn't even road legal in many countries.
But just when it seemed the Cybertruck's reputation couldn't fall any further, Tesla's now suffered the ultimate embarrassment for its brand. It's had to recall every single vehicle. https://www.creativebloq.com/design/product-design/the-tesla-cybertruck-design-disaster-just-keeps-getting-worse
RIESENSCHOCK WEGEN #CYBERTRUCK – Das könnte Teslas teuerster Rückruf werden
#Tesla versuchte verzweifelt, einen Rückruf des Cybertrucks wegen abfliegender Bleche durch Auslieferungsstopp zu verhindern – doch Plan scheiterte kläglich. NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) hat einen Rückruf der Elektro-Pick-ups angeordnet. Betrifft die komplette Produktion