Here is a nice and brief infographic on the topic of #Polish game industry. #Poland offers many AAA, fascinating, original, and more games, which you can try and, by doing so, help the #EU market.
Original post:
Here is a nice and brief infographic on the topic of #Polish game industry. #Poland offers many AAA, fascinating, original, and more games, which you can try and, by doing so, help the #EU market.
Original post:
To be able to support the #BuyFromEurope campaign in an analogue way, I have created a small shop where stickers can be bought online. You can pre-order right now, delivery starts at April 2nd.
Spread the message. #UnplugTrump #BuyFromEU #BuyInEurope #buyeuropean #Europe
I‘m looking for an alternative for Tabasco Pepper Sauce. #buyeuropean #BuyFromEU #buyfromeurope #boycottusa
Mich würde ja mal interessieren, ob es zu #unplugtrump oder #buyfromeurope messbare Zahlen gibt, so wie bei Tesla.
Dass #Otto seine Plattform bei „Amazon Technologies Inc.“ (AWS) hostet, ist auch so eine grandiose Leistung. LOL.
I'm looking for a CRM system for a friend. Optimally from the EU, at worst with a datacenter in the EU.
Not wanting self hosting, we are looking for a SaaS provider.
The line of business is financial consulting, but I suppose that doesn't play a big role.
Do you have any tips on what to look for? Thanks
This was a very good decision of our #EU when #America wasn’t included in the #European defence. We must build our strategic autonomy. We must support our domestic demand and domestic war industry. That’s the new world. #Europe must be strong. The EU has bought from EU. #ViveLaEurope!
Chocolate - UK
Here's a list of small companies in the UK who produce chocolate. If anyone knows of any more, please let me know and I'll update the list
It is so weird to watch how #Trump has more similar views to #Russian president than to #European leaders. #America has left the liberal server and joined the #authoritarian lobby, using a videogame metaphor. All of this happened in less than 100 days of #DonaldTrump ’s ruling. What will the next years bring, then?
#Trumpism #Putin #Ukraine #Future #BuycottUSA #BoycottAmerica #BuyFromEU #BuyFromEurope #totalitarian #liberalism #liberal #West #Freedom #democracy
Even Canada is part of the north american continent, can‘t it become a member of the EU
if it wants??? It would fit! #buyeuropean #buycanadian #BuyFromEU #buyfromeurope #buyfromcanada
We're making cute Mario Party dice for everyone, and it's for a good cause!
Made in #Europe!
20% of all sales are being donated to #Ukraine
Help us help each other!
#MadeInEu #MadeInEurope #BuyFromEurope #BuyFromEU
#Mario #MarioParty #MTG #Jamboree #MP #tabletop #rpg #dnd #dungeonsAndDragons
„Amazon has used tricks, algorithms, and surveillance to discourage warehouse employees from unionizing, according to a paper published in the journal Socius.“
#unplugtrump #buyfromeu #buyfromeurope
I usually oppose #AI generated posters, but this one... this one is amazing. Honestly.
#Europe stay strong! There is only #oneEurope. Fight for our #western #civilisation of #democracy!
People of #Europe!
We must fight with #American social media. Not only because there are from the #USA which is no longer a reliable ally, but also because they made SUCH a massive monopoly in this aspect. We must propagate our #European #Fediverse. Spread the word! Don’t use their tech! Use what is ours and secure. Don’t sell data across the Atlantic
#EU #BuyFromEU #BuyFromEurope #Mastodon #PeerTube #Lemmy #Pixelfed #BoycottUSA #BoycottAmerica #BoycottUS #Trump #Tariffs #Musk #ViveLaEueope
#BuyFromEU, #Europe! We must invest in arms that are produced here, domestically, in the #EU. We must stop feeding others like the #USA with our OWN #European money. Money shall stay here and be invested here.
#BuyFromEurope #BuyEuropean #BoycottUSA #BoycottUS #BoycottAmerica #Trump #Trumpism #EuropeanArmy #Arms #War #Army #Military #France #Macron #Trump #DonaldTrump #FederaliseEU #FederaliseEurope #oneEurope #politics #EUpolitics
Ich war heute nach langer Zeit wieder im Kino und habe #flow angeschaut. Ein Film mit einer Katze und anderen Tieren die versuchen eine Umweltkatastrophe zu überleben. Für alle die #buyfromeurope supporten kann ich sagen: Der Film ist aus Lettland und mit #opensource Software gemacht. Sehr zu empfehlen. 4 von 5
Ich habe in mir ein paar Gedanken zu #buyfromeurope und #buylocal gemacht:
Europäisch zu kaufen, greift zu kurz, das ist "nur" eine Trotzreaktion auf Trump.
Lokal zu kaufen, wäre langfristig viel besser. Sowohl, politisch, wirtschaftlich, als auch aus Klimagründen.
Auf welcher Plattform im Fediverse könnte man eine Suchmaschine für lokale Produkte aus Europa etablieren? Sozusagen ein Branchenbuch mit lokaler Gewichtung. Oder ist das eher ein Thema für #openstreetmap ?