The correct path in such decisions seem clear only in hindsight, but I want your hot take on this. If I file for Social Security now, will forever draw less than the maximum I’d be eligible for (under the current? rules). If I wait, there could be some cockamamie shut out for anyone not already signed up, or no one to even process the request. #GenerationJones
@SlatsGrobnik @Skepticat Present! Thanks for asking. #GenerationJones
@IveyJanette I am so happy that this distinction exists because I am not a boomer, dammit!
What I am is a "practical idealist" who witnessed, but was much too young to participate in the actions of the 60's, though I was just old enough to have an understanding of much of what was happening.
I've maintained that Black people can't be boomers anyway because under segregation and beyond, we never got any of their benefits.
This category fits better
Today I learned that there’s a name for people like me.
What’s Generation Jones? Meet those on the Gen X/boomer cusp - Upworthy
" ... there’s also a lesser-known microgeneration that straddles Gen X and baby boomers. The folks born from 1954 to 1965 are known as Generation Jones, and they’ve been thrust into the spotlight as people try to figure out what generation to consider 59-year-old Vice President Kamala Harris."
@nazgul As my sister-in-law once told an ex she had broken up with who kept trying to explain why she should get back together with him: “Bump the needle, pal.”
#GenerationJones #GenJones
Yes you may wish me a happy National Cherish an Antique Day, thanks for asking!
@Geojoek @VE2UWY The Boomer generation ended long before 1964. The fact that 1960-1964 falls through the demographic cracks really is the point. #GenerationJones
Just a sampling of the #hashtags I used and followed during the past year...
** Current Tech
- #SwiftUI
+ #Arduino
** #RetroComputing
- #AppleII
+ #pdp10 #tops20
+ #8bit #z80 #mos6502
** #RetroGaming
- #TextAdventure
- #InteractiveFiction
- #Zork
+ #Inform7
** Miscellany
- #WrexhamAFC
- #GenX
- #GenerationJones
+ #Jewish
+ #Hanukkah
+ #Mazeldon
+ #Secondhand
+ #Thrifting
If you're not following hashtags or including them in your posts, you're really missing out on the best part of Mastodon!
#Introduction: Hi, folks. I'm an old ex-programmer who can tell you amazing stories of Silicon Valley life during The Bubble. Passions (besides #tech and #LGBTQ+) include #movies, #books, #cooking, #gardening, #sculpting & other #art, and trying to prove that #GenerationJones really does exist. Married since 2008 (we were one of California's "18k" couples), my wife and I (and our #cats) live 100% off the grid on five acres in the mountains, which sounds really romantic until you live the reality of corroded solar batteries and broken well pumps and getting stuck in the snow in your own driveway. But hey, it's home. Thanks for having me here!
Why would anyone support the Republicans at this point? Maybe it would be helpful to explain how I was convinced of the earlier version that led us to this place.
#Culture, #algorithms, #city, #conservative, #Country, #Extremism, #GenerationJones, #Liberal, #politics, #privilege, #propaganda, #Republican
Watching Bob Ross this morning, it occurs to me that many of us #GenerationX #GenerationJones who grew up being told we could paint whatever we wanted in our little world, ended up happy like his little trees.
#Introduction (revised July 2023 in honor of moving to I'm a #progressive #GenerationJones #boomer, white straight CIS woman. #ADHD, maybe #Autism, plus #Anxiety (I'm getting all As!)
US #WestCoast. Long-time #California, short-time #Nevada, and now (since Nov 2021) #CentralOregon.
Went to college a lot, dropped out a lot, no degree. Former #TechWriter (I was really good at this), former #School Office Lady (this was hard!) My doctor made a note in my file that I'm an empty nester. I've never thought of myself that way, but maybe she's right.
I was once #funny.
My life view: Harm to a group that you're not part of will ultimately harm you too. None of us are free till all of us are free. Choose kindness.
It’s prolly a good day for some hashtags, huh!
#GenerationJones #SouthernCalifornia #SoCal #DesertLife #EVs #ElectricVehicles #ChronicIllness #AutoImmuneIllness #PsoriaticSpondylitis #Rinvoq #Dogs #DogsOfMastodon #Abortion #AbortionRightsAreHumanRights #AbortionIsHealthcare #Adoption #AdopteesOfMastodon #AdopteeVoices #AdopteeRightsAreHumanRights #FamilyPreservation #BLM #Resist #ERA #CancelStudentDebt #FreeEducationForAll #ReadBannedBooks #PunchANazi