4 years ago i started documenting the SPRING COLLECTIVE – a self-organized group of women publishing a monothematic anthology with graphic stories. we celebrate our 20th anniversary this fall. the documentary has its premier in berlin 19.10 KINO CENTRAL. the release shows are in hamburg
@comicfestivalhamburg and berlin
it is an honor to me to be a part of this collective. i would like to highlight the creative community we developed and the branching network. at the same time i would like to inspire others to find and build their own communities. it is important and satisfying to support others, to improve our abilities with the feedback of the crew.
the SPRING COLLECTIVE members introduce themselves with a self-created animation. they talk about the issues that are important to them. many of them are quite shy. it was a challenge to gain their trust and get them in front of the camera, including me.
i'm just a rookie so don't expect something glorious. i did it to express my gratitude. stay tuned and come to the screenings at kino CENTRAL 19.10 and at NEUROTITAN gallery 21.10.2023 –> follow
the featured artists are (amongst others):
thanks to all of us!
the new book TOGETHERNESS will be released very soon by
#spring #punk #springcollective #homage #DIY #documentary #togetherness #amateuer #together #springbook #20yearsspring #springanthology #madewithlove #together #visualstorytelling #20yearanniversary #moki #mioke