Rethinking the narrative of progress - ‘doing loss’ in present society
How can Western modernity come to grips with loss if its promise of progress has been stripped of its credibility? Andreas Reckwitz, 2023:
"The losses — both those already experienced and those anticipated in the future — can no longer be rendered invisible so easily; they are growing in numbers, and the attention paid to them is growing, too."
"In late modernity, we thus see both an escalation of loss and a growing awareness of loss: from climate change to the losers of modernization, from collective traumata to regressions... the present-day political field turns out to be an explosive experimental space for dealing with negative events."
"The promise is no longer about progress but about the illusion of regaining what has been lost:
To face the truth with open eyes and make loss, the experienced and the anticipated a legitimate and crucial topic of debate does not necessarily weaken democracy but could strengthen it."
Andreas Reckwitz, The Challenge of Loss , LA Review of Books, 2023
#progress #TheWest #modernity #loss #experiences #consumption #more #expectations #nostalgia #anger #deindustrialisation #environment #EcoGrief #DoingLoss #PublicHealth #ClimateBreakdown #extinction #trauma #violence #populism #TruthTelling #democracy #stability