I’m struggling with the map making theme this month. mapvember.com has themes for RPG but my heart is not in it. I don’t get a buzz out of creating fictional maps. I have another idea to recreate the map of my childhood 300acres and the walks we used to do. Visual thinkers is not much use, only in the thinking....gotta get pen to paper. #smallstories
@wentale maps of walks is a beautiful idea. I imagine they could spiral into wonderful worlds.
my walks did, and sometimes still do.
I must get back to walking off the beaten track. The UK Ordinance Survey maps are amazing for opening doors made of footpaths.
@wentale Yeah. I am mostly avoiding the map themes. Make your own path. :)
@wentale Maybe take a feldgang (that's Kentucky for a super short walkabout): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-RlLuSUX5c
@tellio Then I thought why not? Here is my feldgang. #smallstories #walks for #learning https://youtu.be/Zxo5w0LdzAE
Above the water line,
the soil sits,
but patient.
I run my fingers
through time,
at the resilience
of flowers
and the unrelenting
onslaught of
#smallpoems response to the feldang #walk
@tellio @dogtrax Totally! the miracle that anything survives the summer here. Love the #smallpoems
@wentale Glissando at end made me laugh. Reminded me of a commercial when I was a kid that made me happy. Warning. Earworm. https://youtu.be/48d5X3VqcU8
Chew more gum! How to get rid of earworms! Reading this made me happy. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17470218.2015.1034142