Miyazaki is right. The latest version of OpenAI‘s image generation technology has resulted in a flood of users sharing images on social media that have been transformed in the style of Studio Ghibli, the legendary Japanese animation studio.
Miyazaki is right. The latest version of OpenAI‘s image generation technology has resulted in a flood of users sharing images on social media that have been transformed in the style of Studio Ghibli, the legendary Japanese animation studio.
Since I'm sure this is going to get linked to by HN-loving ignoramuses asking, "Why is jwz so mean to HN?"
It's a VC fan club, your go-to spot to simp for billionaires. Bad enough! But there's also Y Combinator's stochastic terrorist, cryptofascist, christofascist CEO Garry Tan.
This — that attitude, and that piece-of-shit motherfucker in particular — is what you're supporting every time you click on or share a "Hacker" "News" link.
Stop hanging out at the Nazi Bar.
Doctors in West Texas—where there is a measles outbreak—are seeing unvaccinated hospitalized patients with signs of vitamin A toxicity.
There is no evidence that it can prevent measles, but overuse of vitamin A can have serious health consequences.
This is a result of misinformation and is what happens when you appoint an anti-vaxxer to lead the national health agency.
The #Sun and the #Moon. Livre de la Vigne nostre Seigneur, France ca. 1450-1470. Bodleian Library, MS. Douce 134, fol. 49v.
#medieval #MedievalArt
Go American Bar Association! “We will not stay silent in the face of efforts to remake the legal profession into something that rewards those who agree with the government and punishes those who do not.” https://www.americanbar.org/news/abanews/aba-news-archives/2025/03/bar-organizations-statement-in-support-of-rule-of-law/ #LawFedi
Official announcement: We’ve partnered with Proton VPN to help you break free from Big Tech!
Me at ER for cardiac issues
Dr: “Could you be pregnant?”
Me: “No I had a hysterectomy”
Dr: “You look too young for that? Are you sure?”
Me: “I’m confident”
Dr: “I think you might be confused. Maybe it was your appendix.”
Proceeds to order pregnancy test
I’ve had this interaction more times than I can count
Healthcare workers think I’m “too young” to have had a hysterectomy and automatically assume I’m confusing my womb with another organ.
They ask endless questions, only to end up doing a pregnancy test anyways
Perhaps there are patients who confuse their uterus for their appendix, but I would imagine that’s exceedingly rare
The battle I went through to get my hysterectomy was long and arduous. It involved many physicians lecturing me about how I would never be able to have children
Asking insensitive questions like:
“Don’t you want to be a Mom?”
“You might want biological children, many women do”
“What happens if you meet your dream man and he leaves you for being barren?”
You don’t have to endure this type of insulting and misogynistic third degree to get your appendix or gallbladder removed.
They inform you of the surgical risks, you consent, the end.
There’s simply no plausible way to confuse the removal of a WOMB with an appendix
Despite these obvious facts, I’ve had countless doctors assume I’m wrong. That I couldn’t possibly have lost my uterus and it must have been something less important.
I’ve even had “patient CLAIMS hysterectomy”’written in my chart.
Why someone would lie about something so easy to prove or disprove is beyond me.
The end result is always a delay in care while we argue and then wait for an unnecessary pregnancy test which always comes back negative.
Surely we can do better?
I understand that doctors must have a degree of skepticism, and that the price of missing a pregnancy can be incredibly high.
I’m not opposed to them running a pregnancy test if that’s what they feel they need to do.
I am opposed to the delays and gaslighting
It was traumatic to lose my uterus at a young age. The healthcare workers who inundated me with misogynistic questions & put a hypothetical man before me and my health? They didn’t make it any easier.
I feel that trauma all over again whenever I’m questioned about pregnancy
I wish we could endeavour to either TRUST our patient, or just run the pregnancy test without all the unnecessary and (often) rude comments.
I don’t object to the test, I object to the way I’m treated leading up to the test.
Patients know their body best. We know the difference between a womb and an appendix. We know when we’re being talked down to and mistreated.
It causes trauma. Makes us less likely to trust the provider and far less likely to seek care in the future
Please treat your patients with the dignity they deserve. Don’t judge them on how they look, the chronic illness or disability they have or their gender or sexual orientation. Listen to them. Work with them. Let them be a partner in their care.
We can do better together /end
After the hysterectomy I also had a post op complication that was ignored by the ER three times. I had a life threatening internal bleed, but was sent home without tests because they thought I was “exaggerating”.
We MUST listen to patients. I only survived because my accidental advocate stepped up
I have resigned as a reviewer for the Royal Society. I encourage others to do the same.
Dear editors,
Today I saw some news about the Royal Society which made me very uncomfortable. As a result, I am afraid I will withdraw my voluntary reviewing work for Royal Society. I will not after all be completing this review for Royal Society Open Science.
[The rest of the letter: http://mcld.co.uk/blog/2025/letter-to-royal-society-about-reviewing-and-code-of-conduct.html]
This is a kidnapping.
The word "detained" is inadequate to describe what is going on around the country these days.
The thing that strikes me most powerfully, is that this dramatic shift to the right - primarily on the part of men - is entirely illogical and factually self-harming.
The emergence of equal rights for women, for people of colour, for the disabled, etc. has not just seen a dramatic improvement in living standards for those people, but for white men also.
It is rampant, unchecked capitalism that has fucked them over. And they still can’t see it.
In Greenland, American representatives have been going around knocking on one door after another in recent days to ask if they would like to have a visit from the vice president's wife. Everywhere the answer was the same: "No, otherwise thank you,"
A bittersweet but celebratory day at ESOC, the European Space Operations Centre, in Darmstadt
Later this morning, the final commands will be sent to ESA’s Gaia spacecraft, ending the operational phase of its mission after 11 years
But the mission is by no means over – the mission’s amazing scientific insights into the formation & evolution of our Milky Way galaxy will only increase as new data catalogues are released in coming years
Sketching some of my favorite birds, ravens and crows! I used my favorite fude nib fountain pen, the Jinhao 159.
(comic) Reward for Good Work https://workchronicles.substack.com/p/comic-reward-for-good-work