found in a project gutenberg file: "Updateŕs note: This file has been recoded to UTF8." (yes, that is LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH ACUTE)
I can't tell if this is supposed to be a joke or not
@aparrish Do you think it's an OCR error?
@darius wouldn't that imply that the text "Updater's note: This file has been recoded to UTF8" was in the *physical* copy?
@aparrish My thought was:
physical -> some other encoding via OCR -> UTF8, and the error happened in first conversion
@aparrish although that wouldn't account for it either
maybe it is just a clever joke
@aparrish oh maybe it went
physical -> OCR to ASCII -> UTF-8 -> physical -> OCR to UTF-8
@darius that would be really weird in this case I think—this is the file it came from
@aparrish oh yeah now I'm just imagining extremely implausible reasons that could account for it to amuse myself