ORA ULTIMA: #Bezos e Sánchez: Nozze da record, impatto economico inatteso? Scoprilo su ORA ULTIMA: https://www.oraultima.com/jeff-bezos-matrimonio/
[05:45] James Bond valt in de klauwen van Amazon, tot groot verdriet van fans. Maar het kan ook zijn redding worden
Ruim 62 jaar bleef James Bond uit handen van het grootkapitaal. Tot vorige maand, toen uitgerekend Amazon – de naam is Bezos, Jeff Bezos – de creatieve controle over de Britse spion veroverde. Dat belooft weinig goeds. Of is dit de redding van een icoon dat al op sterven na dood was?
Licence to Kill (1989). Beeld: EON Productions
In elke James Bondfilm wordt ’s werelds bekendste superspion wel een keer door een van zijn vijanden gevangengenomen. En elke keer weet agent 007 te ontsnappen: hij kruipt door een luchtkanaal, overmeestert zijn bewaker of gebruikt een exploderende sigaret als afleidingsmanoeuvre. Voor je het weet is hij weer vrij, klaar om de wereld te redden en de Bondgirl van dienst in zijn armen te sluiten. De Correspondent en maak meer verhalen mogelijk voorbij de waan van de dag.
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#62jaar #JamesBond #Amazon #Bezos #JeffBezos #Britse #1989 #EON #JamesBondfilm #007 #5
Control of the media is all about controlling YOU. That’s what this is about.
(AP) #Trump #Bezos #Musk #FirstAmendment #media #freepress #control
> Es gehört zum Humor der Macht, ihre Entscheidungen, gegen die niemand etwas ausrichten kann, betont lächerlich zu begründen.
> …
> Medienkritik, die [den wirtschaftlichen] Aspekt nicht immer mitbedenkt, bleibt blind für die strukturellen Voraussetzungen dessen, was sie an den Inhalten stört.
Danke #Übermedien & @Johannesfranzen für diese Zusammenfassung!
#WashingtonPost #WaPo #boycott_wapo #Bezos
RT https://mastodon.social/@uebermedien/114216672033872213 / https://troet.cafe/@Johannesfranzen/114216702858137318
@nixCraft Practically all #billionaires (#Shittenberg aka #Zuckerberg, #Bezos, #Trump, #Musk, #Altman, ##Pichai, #Cook, #Narayen and others) are only billionaires because of some kind of dogdy stuff (legal, loophole, bluntly illegal etc).
If they could go back in time and have actual slaves working for them do they would not have to pay them - and could beat them up if not fast enough - be sure they would.
#Billionarism must die. #Trickle economy is to forever keep them rich and us poor.
Devo comprare i filtri per la caraffa Laica. In genere li prendevo su #Amazon dove avevano prezzi migliori rispetto al sito di Laica.
Questa volta non mi sono posto il problema, li ho ordinati sul sito, sufficienti per 1 anno, in modo da ammortizzare le spese di spedizione.
Dobbiamo comprare un complemento d'arredo per casa, su Amazon c'è, ma con qualche click in più trovo una fonte alternativa, non italiana, ma con deposito in Italia. (https://www.aosom.it)
E tanti saluti a #Bezos.
Like an aneurism, a growing bubble in the brain where there should be no growing bubble.
A social and economic aneurism, that kills the host by clot or stroke.
Or like today, by both.
Rice Rice Baby. How to visualize insane richness of #bezos #musk and co.
@aapis @downey There won't be any change in 2028. Trump wants his 3rd term and he will get it. People who support him are very rich and have too much power. And you can find supporters of Trump all over the world.
Although it's well known (since lots of years) who #Musk, #Zuckerberg and #Bezos are, people go on using their products, specially X, Instagram and WhatsApp.
#bezos and his #broligarchs must be happy with the distractions. Write about ivy and the oval office mantel, instead of what...#oligarchs and #fascism.
Lauren Aratani : 20% of Americans support #boycott of firms aligning themselves with #tRump agenda: New poll also shows that a significant share of Americans will avoid companies that drop social-inclusion policies
#uspol #dei #musk #zuckerberg #meta #nestle #target #bezos #amazon #pepsi #mcdonalds #walmart
Ihr solltet besser IMMER gucken, wo das Geld her kommt!
#SimplexChat bekam
370.000 Dollar Venture Capital von Village Global
= d.h. von Mark #Zuckerberg, Jef #Bezos, Bill #Gates
& Co.
#SimpleX wird finanziert von US Big Tech. Und wer sich den Traffic ansieht, wird feststellen, dass er, trotz angeblichen P2P wieder über US Clouds (Akamai) läuft!
Time for #Bond villain Jeff “Blofeld” #Bezos https://www.euronews.com/culture/2025/03/21/new-james-bond-film-fast-tracked-by-amazon-release-date-and-budget-revealed
#USpolitics #Bezos #SelfMadeMan
Ever noticed....:
all selfmade men had [super] rich parents or friends.
"What Jeff Bezos Doesn't Want You to Know" [ ± 1min]
by moreperfectunion [Jan 27, 2025]
#USbeware #FascistsAreHere #TimeToResist
#ThereIsNoAmericanDream only #TheBigAmericanScam
Irren Techmilliardären wie #Bezos #Zuckerberg #Musk auch gleich hops, weil Reiche niemals den Hals vollbekommen und ihren Wahn das sie die größten, tollsten, besten wären sich hoffnungslos selbst überschätzen, aber natürlich die Macht haben, andere Menschen zu verführen.
During the mission, Aisha will be researching plant genetics and how plants grow in space. #BlueOrigin #NASA #Bezos #SpaceFlight #Space
Blue Origin was founded by Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos and among the group of women taking part is his fiancée, Lauren Sanchez. Also aboard will be film producer Kerianne Flynn, US news presenter Gayle King, civil rights activist Amanda Nguyen, and pop icon Katy Perry. #BlueOrigin #Bezos #Space