Here is the #Trump administration following court orders regarding funding of #RadioFreeEurope #RFE #RL
Here is the #Trump administration following court orders regarding funding of #RadioFreeEurope #RFE #RL
I agree, you might add #LawFedi, #FediLaw, #Legal, and #LegalNews to your text for reach.
Also, a headline helps quite a bit, as well as an image or link.
#ClientRepresentation: Trump Administration on Course To Destroy Rule Of Law
Also, this reminds me of Russia's treatment of lawyers having defended political dissidents.
It is a clear case of #FirstTheyCame:
#Penmanship #Authors #Writing #Legal #FediLaw #AI
Important for all authors, esp. if #US-based: how to protect your copyright against #AI firms
"*Class Action Lawsuits Cover All Writers Whose Books Were Used *
Legal action is already underway against #Meta, #OpenAI, #Microsoft, #Anthropic, and other AI companies for using pirated books.
You don’t need to be a named plaintiff to benefit or receive damages if you qualify as part of the class;... "
cc @alison
"If Mr. #Trump continues to attempt to usurp the authority of the #courts, the battle will be joined, and it will be up to the #SupremeCourt, #Congress and the #Americanpeople to step forward and say: Enough."
This current moment was always the endpoint of the FedSoc project, if we're being honest.
#TESLA #DEpol #FediLaw #Arbeitsrecht
... dass eine Krankheit vorgeschoben sein könnte, beispielsweise wenn sich jemand für genau die Zeit krankschreiben ließe, für die vorher ein #Urlaubsantrag abgelehnt worden war. In solchen Fällen bestünden Zweifel an der Richtigkeit der #Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung und #Arbeitgeber dürften Beweise verlangen, erklärte die Sprecherin. "Das angeblich inakzeptable Vorgehen Teslas ist gängige...
@Tronde @finnsend @martinschemm
#TESLA #DEpol #FediLaw #Arbeitsrecht
... #Heise:
"Der Autobauer verteidigte das Vorgehen als gerechtfertigt. "Im Übrigen sprechen wir von Fällen, in denen unberechtigte #Lohnfortzahlungen [im Krankheitsfall] geleistet wurden
", führte eine Unternehmenssprecherin aus. Hinzu kämen Fälle, in denen das #Bundesarbeitsgericht
davon ausgehe,...
@Tronde @finnsend @martinschemm
#TESLA #DEpol #FediLaw #Arbeitsrecht
Tesla will kranken Beschäftigten in Grünheide das Geld streichen
, berichtet #Heide
Dass ich seit vielen Jahren kein Freund von #Musk|s Geschäftspraktiken bin, weiss jeder, der mir folgt.
Ich bin kein Arbeitsrechtler, aber wenn das so stimmen sollte, dann scheint mir das in Ordnung.
Fraglich wäre es hingegen wieder, wenn es deutlich mehr Fälle im Durchschnitt in dem Werk gäbe...
"The #CouncilofEurope has adopted the first-ever international treaty aiming to protect the profession of #lawyer. This is to respond to increasing reports of attacks on the practice of the profession, whether in the form of harassment, threats or attacks, or interference with the exercise of professional duties (for example, obstacles to access to clients)."
Council of Europe adopts international convention on protecting lawyers - Portal
"U.S. District Judge William Alsup described the mass firings as a “sham” strategy by the government’s central human resources office."
Thousands of fired #federalworkers must be rehired immediately, judge rules - POLITICO
Judge says Trump penalties on law firm send ‘chills down my spine’
D.C. federal judge ordered the #Trump administration to at least temporarily halt the penalties it levied on law firm #PerkinsCoie, which represented clients #HillaryClinton and #DNC
#USpol #Trump #Humor #Immigration #FediLaw
I think this post deserves an #AltText:
"@HistoPol Here is an alt-text description for the image:
A photo of Donald, Ivana, Don Jr., Ivanka, and Eric Trump is shown. The photo is accompanied by a text overlay that states, "Donald Jr. was born in 1977, Ivanka in 1981, Eric in 1984. Their mother, Ivana, didn't become a U.S. citizen until 1988.
If birthright citizenship is being...
[Continued in altext of picture]
Here is Dean Treanor’s impressive response to the #DOJ
Somewhat of a longshot, but...
We are looking for a regulatory specialist who understands the rules around Autonomous Vehicles in the EU.
We have a small EU funded project and would like to hire a specialist who can help make sure our report aligns with the current and future EU rules.
DM me for more details.
re-toots super-welcome!
#fedihire_de #fedihire #AutonomousVehicle (edit added #fedilaw tag)
#WarInUkraine #FediLaw #Legal
#USpol #GeoPol
#SecurityAssurances are not #SecurityGuarantees, I assure you
(6/6), #ChuckHobbs, a quick research would have shown you that your claim that the document were legally binding is incorrect.
This mere, disproven assumption, is, alas, wishful thinking.
#WarInUkraine #FediLaw #Legal
#USpol #GeoPol
#SecurityAssurances are not #SecurityGuarantees, I assure you
...future security assurances that are offered in exchange for nonproliferation commitments.[53]
Regardless, the United States publicly maintains that "the Memorandum is not legally binding", calling it a "political commitment".[23]
..." 1)
#WarInUkraine #FediLaw #Legal
#USpol #GeoPol
#SecurityAssurances are not #SecurityGuarantees, I assure you
...has a requirement of consultation among the parties "in the event a situation arises that raises a question concerning the ... commitments" set out in the memorandum.[52]
Whether or not the memorandum sets out legal obligations, the difficulties that #Ukraine has encountered since early 2014 may cast doubt on the credibility of...
#WarInUkraine #FediLaw #Legal
#USpol #GeoPol
#SecurityAssurances are not #SecurityGuarantees, I assure you
...the #US, neither the #GeorgeHWBush administration nor the #Clinton administration was prepared to give a military commitment to #Ukraine
, and they did not believe the #US Senate would ratify an international treaty and so the memorandum was adopted in more limited terms.[51]
The memorandum...
#WarInUkraine #FediLaw #Legal
#SecurityAssurances are not #SecurityGuarantees, I assure you
...devoid entirely of legal provisions. It refers to assurances, but unlike guarantees, it does not impose a legal obligation of military assistance on its parties
According to #StephenMacFarlane, a professor of international relations, "It gives signatories justification if they take action, but it does not force anyone to act in Ukraine."[50]
#WarInUkraine #FediLaw #Legal #USpol #GeoPol
#SecurityAssurances are not #SecurityGuarantees, I assure you
#ChuckHobbs used to be a trial lawyer, not an expert in international law.
I wish it were different, but the legal dimension regarding the #BudapestMemorandum is the subject of scholarly disagreement. It is NOT unquestionably legally binding.
I wish it were different:
" is not entirely clear whether the instrument is...