SXSW Conference And Festival – 2024 ##CONFERENCE #festival #SXSW #SydneySweeney
SXSW Conference And Festival – 2024 ##CONFERENCE #festival #SXSW #SydneySweeney
#SXSW, #Machtspiele & #Milliardärsfantasien – Wer regiert eigentlich die Welt?
- #Frauen_und_Technik – mit Eckert und Wolfangel - #Podcast:
Frisch zurück aus Austin berichtet Eva Wolfangel von der #Tech-Konferenz #SXSW – und bringt nicht nur neue Trends, sondern auch einige irritierende Beobachtungen mit: Gesichtserkennung bei der Ausreise, ein Talk, der plötzlich aus dem Netz verschwand, und T-Shirts, die zur politischen Botschaft wurden.
Understanding #Signal, #genAI, and the state of #digitalsecurity with @Mer__edith Whittaker at #SXSW.
Apparently, there were sessions about the future of transportation at SXSW, and the folks who run Transit Tangents on YouTube made a nice report about how most ideas are just vaporware:
Ha! #Signal kommt Heute auf unterschiedliche Wege zu mir. #Trumps #Administrative nutzen Signal für interne Kommunikation und die Chefin #MeredithWhittaker macht ein Interview bei #sxsw
#ai #whatsapp #privacy #communication #meta #facebook #chat
‘The True Beauty of Being Bitten by a Tick’ Team Felt “Baked Into This Film” Thanks To Experimental Writers’ Room
#Festivals #News #CallieHernandez #JamesCusatiMoyer #JeremyOHarris #PeteOhs #SXSW #TheTrueBeautyofBeingBittenbyaTick #ZoëChao
And if you missed it, the chat at #SXSW between @Mer__edith and @guykawasaki
"I have quite a few friends now who have dealt with cancer, and it's amazing how people just disappear. It's like they're afraid to talk about it or to see them" - Julia Max and Colby Minifie discuss The Surrender #SXSW #film #horror #movies
"Wenn ich in den USA noch Geld verdienen wollte, würde ich dazu auch nichts sagen," zitiert @evawolfangel einen der Teilnehmer der #SXSW. Dort, wo in jedem Jahr intensiv über Zukunft diskutiert wird, fand die politische Zukunft der USA praktisch nicht statt - aus Angst. Nach nur ein paar Wochen Musk/Trump im Amt...
Don’t Get Caught: iCloud, VPNs, and the Future of AI – Mac Geek Gab 1082 with @PilotPete @maccast and @DaveHamilton
This week, you’re loaded with Quick Tips to streamline your Apple life. You’ll learn how to nest Notes folders, edit Siri Reminders from your Lock Screen, and why your iPhone needs to stay locked for Continuity Camera magic. Discover how to whip up Wi-Fi QR code
When a chance encounter with her rock star crush leads a teenager to discover that he's a drug addict, she goes to extremes to try to save him, in Sweetness #SXSW #film #cinema #movies
"I thought, 'If I want to make a movie about a fictional version of our lives, I've got to do it right away'" - Ari Gold on Brother Versus Brother #SXSW #film #cinema #movies
A young athlete develops a different perspective on his identity as he learns about his great grandfather's extraordinary run to freedom in documentary Remaining Native #SXSW #film #indigenous #movies
A young teacher living quietly in Oslo unexpectedly gets a visit from an uncle he hasn't seen since his childhood in Kurdistan, in My Uncle Jens #SXSW #film #cinema #movies
"I have returned from my quick trip to Austin for a few days at the South by Southwest conference. Last time I was there, Silicon Valley Bank fell apart, which made for a rather entertaining weekend to spend as a fly on the wall around the various tech executives who make their pilgrimages to the conference. By that point in 2023, the shine had already mostly worn off on the crypto excitement compared to the crypto extravaganzas that characterized SXSW during crypto’s peak hype years.
This time, although crypto prices are back up, crypto excitement didn’t seem to be.
There was a great panel about “Openness Under Pressure”, which touched on similar points as my recent newsletter about open access amid widespread AI scraping. Bluesky CEO Jay Graber took the mainstage for a keynote with the inimitable tech journalist (and Bluesky board member) Mike Masnick. She wore an oversized black t-shirt printed with black text that read mundus sine Caesaribus (“a world without Caesars”). It was immediately recognizable to those who had seen Mark Zuckerberg’s custom black-on-black aut Zuck aut nihil (“Zuck or nothing”) shirt at a Meta event last year, an egomaniacal play on aut Caesar aut nihilb and a nod to the emperor after whom Zuckerberg has long styled himself.
Her message was clear: we need a world resilient to the outsized power of Zuckerbergian billionaire emperors. And we need platforms that are, as she and Masnick put it, “billionaire-proof”. I couldn’t agree more.
Sadly, for now we remain in a very much not billionaire-proof world, so I will now update you on how that’s all been going."
Recommended talk: Digital Sovereignty Is the New Influencer Status
This week I came across a post recommending the talk from Molly White (@molly0xff) at SXSW, talking about “Digital Sovereignty Is the New Influencer Status“.
The abstract of the talk is: “The real power move for creators is ownership and control of their work and livelihoods. This freedom is actually closer for more people than ever before! Learn from two fediverse futurists how decentralized social media facilitates better publishing, community, and business models. These speakers will cover the theoretical and the practical, including how the landscape is evolving in 2025, where creators should focus their energies, and how they might thrive with or without “walled garden” social platforms.”
It’s an interesting talk, where she’s talking about how (and WHY) she keeps her content mainly on her website and federates it to some social networks for discovery.
#autonomy #fediverse #influencer #Sovereignty #sxsw
‘The Astronaut’ Review: Kate Mara and Laurence Fishburne in a Creepy Sci-Fi Thriller That Loses Its Grip
#MovieReviews #Movies #KateMara #LaurenceFishburne #SXSW #SXSW2025 #SXSWReviews
Herr Kawasaki gibt ne #signal Saalrunde! /via #sxsw