Uhm.. I thought it was, and in fact forked #Jehanne to further simplify and make it more powerful: http://jehanne.h--k.it/
But infact I was wrong: Plan9 is still inheritelly elitist. Even its best incarnation, #9front, while a superb enginering achievement, builds on top of a broken history.
People should not need to learn grep, sed or awk to manipulate text files programmatically. Even just their names sounds arcane.
Furthermore the reason why people do not use Plan9 is rooted in the huge military investments that funded (and still funds) the broken alternatives through several companies (microsoft, ibm, sun, google...) and universities that spread the broken tools.
Spreading computing literacy for the masses is never been a goal of such actors.
Today the cultural #hegemony that was built this way, makes it unthinkable to further explore the vast design space that could actually gives us a safer foundation for modern computing.
That is also why "the Plan9 lesson" must ignore the economical and geo-political forces that lead to its (percieved) failure.
And why you didn't mention an European os like #Oberon instead.