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TUTORIAL - Como Instalar e Configurar o BSPWM no Debian - Parte 2 - Fim

Continuação do vídeo em que ensino como Instalar e Configurar o gerenciador de janelas BSPWM no Debian. Este tutorial também é válido para outros sistemas operacionais baseados em Debian ou Ubuntu.

Replied in thread

@aks I have a very simple setup. Nothing to see really.

  • WM: #leftwm
  • Distro: #arch
  • Background: My creation with #krita created long long years ago, and still using it.
  • At the top I have #polybar with a lot of extra custom scripts
  • Terminal: #alacritty
  • Shell: fish (moved from zsh recently)

LeftWM config:
Background image: (totally free to use)

I'm getting myself setup with a nice i3 rice. I'm working on the bar at the minute, does anyone know how to get all workspaces to show (no matter whether it's got something in or not) in #Polybar . It's using the xworkspaces module (code below).

type = internal/xworkspaces

label-active = %name%
label-active-background = ${colors.background-alt}
label-active-underline= ${colors.primary}
label-active-padding = 1

label-occupied = %name%
label-occupied-padding = 1

label-urgent = %name%
label-urgent-background = ${colors.alert}
label-urgent-padding = 1

label-empty = %name%
label-empty-foreground = ${colors.disabled}
label-empty-padding = 1

Anyone familiar with openbox and weather icons?

I currently still have 2 issues on my arch install:
I need to restart my desktop (ergo rerun the openbox autostart) to get my wallpaper correct with nitrogen
And the "Weather Icons" font is installed, appears in KCharSelect and when i use fc-match, but the polybar script as-well as polybar and vscodium all don't show the symbols?

I'd love to get some help
#linux #archlinux #openbox #polybar #linxhelp #noob

I want to do something like this in (the example below is suitable for ):

type = custom/ipc
hook-0 = echo "icon 1"
hook-1 = echo "icon 2"
click-left = /path/to/script
initial = 1

I appreciate any help.

Are you using and would like to have an OSS mixer in ?

Well I've just wrote an attempt at this:

The patch does apply to the current port version. Config is a bit like the alsa module:

type = internal/oss
device = /dev/mixer
mixer = vol
format-volume = <ramp-volume> <label-volume>
label-muted = X muted
ramp-volume-0 = .
ramp-volume-1 = ..
ramp-volume-2 = ...

The thing I'm not sure is that maybe I should reopen /dev/mixer in case of switch?

Just a random screenshot of my current workspace.

I am really enjoying the leftwm window manager. Very simple to set up and very fast and stable. I have been using tiling window managers starting with ion3, Awesome, DWM, and I3. Leftwm removes the need to use a programming language in order to configure it. All I have really needed is a small bashscript in order to start up the programs needed.

Llego tarde para el de esta semana (o tremendamente pronto para el próximo), pero:

Estoy probando con y . De momento me está gustando mucho (he partido de la configuración de Endeavour OS), aunque hay aún muchas configuraciones que tengo pendientes, sobretodo con respecto a Polybar:
- systray
- gestor de micros
- que al pulsar sobre la RAM, cambie de % a valor absoluto
- gestor de redes wifi
- global-menu (esto probablemente no lo vea en años, lo sé).

If you're interested in how I've customized my shell, neovim, i3, tmux and many other tools, check out my dotfiles here:

Unfamiliar with dotfile management? I've written an article on my personal blog:

GitLabJochen Lillich / dotfiles · GitLabMy collection of configuration files for zsh, tmux, i3 and many other applications.
Replied in thread

@nico el pacman es buenisimo y es el que mas me gusta. Después de un año de usar #XFCE, un año de usar #i3wm con #polybar me quedo con xfce. I3wm no me dió nada pero si me quitó workspaces. toda la config la clavé yo canibalizando un poquito de lo que encontré en manjaro-i3 (Muy recomendado #manjaro ). Me alegro que sigas explorando, tepaso mis #dotfiles por si te sirve algo. Si te gusta usar la terminal, te recomiendo que pruebes #nvim.


GitLabAitor / Dotfiles ·