Ah yes, it’s “Hey ladies! Listen to my beak drumming! It’s super sexy!” time for the woodpeckers here.
Sp giggles every time they start up their drilling on the gutters.
Ah yes, it’s “Hey ladies! Listen to my beak drumming! It’s super sexy!” time for the woodpeckers here.
Sp giggles every time they start up their drilling on the gutters.
SXSW Doc ‘42nd Street’ Tells Untold Stories From Santo Domingo’s Troubled Cultural Hotspot in First Trailer (EXCLUSIVE)
#Variety #Global #News #JoseMariaCabral #SXSW #Tiger #Woodpeckers
Ladder-backed Woodpecker
Alameda, NM
I was inspired to post a woodpecker photo today as I heard spring "drumming" this morning when I went out to feed my White-crowns.
For those less familiar with our feathered friends, woodpeckers "drum" out a rhythm to attract a mate and set a territory, much like songbirds use their songs.
Have you ever wondered why woodpeckers don't get stuck in trees?
I answer that question in the latest post of my newsletter “Beaks & Bones”.
You can read it here for free:
Unlike most woodpeckers, Northern Flickers (Colaptes auratus) are often found on the ground, digging for ants—their primary summer food. In fall and winter, they may supplement their diet with fruits and seeds.
Fotos & Videos - Woche 10-2017
März 2017
#niederrhein #vögel #gänse #kormoran #spechte #rabenvögel #haubentaucher #natur #tiere #slideshow #digital #LowerRhineRegion #birds #geese #woodpeckers #corvids #GreatCrestedGrebe #nature #animals #video #foto #fotografie #photo #photography #slide
Japanese pygmy woodpecker (Yungipicus kizuki) #AsianBirds | #JapanesePygmyWoodpecker #PygmyWoodpecker #YungipicusKizuki | #Woodpeckers #WoodpeckerFamily
#birdsoftheworld #birds
It was mostly sunny and near 50F/10C today, very spring-like and very unlike February. There were lots of birds in the sky. Descriptions in ALT. #birds #birding #birdwatching #birdphotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #photography #nature #naturephotography #HoosierMast #woodpeckers #cranes #bluebird
Why woodpeckers don’t get concussions
* debunks popular myth that woodpeckers protect their brains from concussions using built-in damping mechanisms
* woodpeckers avoid concussions based on scaling laws
* small brain size sig. reduces internal stress for a given deceleration
* short duration of impact further limits injury risk
* withstand extreme decelerations (400xg) w/o harm
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius), 3rd October 2024
es: Chupasavia Norteño, fr: Pic Maculé
Village Park Lands, Ithaca, New York
Ho-de-no-sau-nee-ga (Haudenosaunee), Odǫhwęja:deˀ (Cayuga) & Susquehannock traditional territory
Canon EOS R5, Canon RF 200-800mm f/6.3-9 @ 800mm, 35% crop, 1/400s, f/10, ISO 5000
#Birds #YellowBelliedSapsucker #YBSA #Woodpeckers #HopeIsTheThingWithFeathers #DescribeYourImages
Here’s how the #BirdFlu is affecting nesting colonies in Maine
Wildlife questions answered by #MaineAudubon Staff Naturalist Doug Hitchcox.
February 14, 2025
"Remember that #AvianInfluenza spreads via feces, saliva and mucus, which is why it spreads faster among birds in very close quarters (especially poultry in this country, hence the need for flock owners to take protective measures). #Ducks and #geese make up most of the cases in wild birds, but we are also seeing it show up in some of the predators or species that feed on the carcasses of sick birds, like #hawks, #eagles, #crows and #vultures. What we consider the 'backyard birds,' like #chickadees and #woodpeckers, are very unlikely to contract avian influenza, so there is no need to stop feeding those birds or take down bird feeders. You should always keep your feeders clean, but this is a good time to be extra vigilant with regular cleanings and also protect yourself from exposure. Avoid contact with a sick or dead wild bird. If you do have a report of a sick or dead wild bird, call Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife at 207-287-8000 or 800-452-4664, or report it online. (More info: mefishwildlife.com)
"Think about the things you can do to help birds around your yard, be it during an avian influenza outbreak or not. Keeping your cats indoors is the best thing you can do, then treat your windows to break up reflections and reduce strikes. Support the next generation of birds with native plants: bird seed helps us see wild birds, while #NativePlants sustain them."
Read more:
Archived version:
#HPAINews #Maine #GardeningForBirds #BirdFlu #HPAI